Hi, I'd appreciate your help on the following problem: I'm using a freshly installed FC5 on an x86_64. As I like the old 80x25 textmode i usually run my vt's in this mode using vga=normal on the kernel append line. Now, it's an old issue that -- while the vesa frambuffers (vga=0x317 or something) support all 16 colors of the vt100-alike linux-terminal -- fedora has only the 8 darker colors in the textmode (vga=normal). Reading an old howto for redhat 8, I figured out that this is a font problem. Fedoras default-font for the console seemed to sacrifice the bold-attribute to have better unicode-compatiblity. But this attribute seems to be used to start "bright mode". In the past releases i therefore simply used the font "lat9w-16" (/etc/sysconfig/i18n !) which had all the characters I needed. It also brought the bold attribute thus enabling me to use the otherwise missing bright colors. With fc5 this oddly works only "partially": After startup the system shows the expected behaviour: bright colors in textmode. But when I start X and then leave the X-Session by pressing CTRL+ALT+F<n>, the vt is in a very bad state: bright colors are gone (means identical with their non-brigth counterparts: e.g. yellow --> brown) and every colored letter appears in something like cyrillic letters. Typing "setfont lat9w-16" fixes the "cyrillic"-issue, but the bright colors do not reappear, even when loading the font several times. Oddly, if a load some other font (not every font works, there are only a few. One of them is "Agafari-16") and then load lat9w-16 again, the bright colors do reappear. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I'd mainly like to understand what's going on in my system. For example: Why does X change the font of my vt? Why does the order of loading fonts influence the result? What special voodoo is there about "agafari"-fonts... Thanks for your help! -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list