Dear Wiki user, You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Fedora Project Wiki" for change notification. The following page has been changed by PaulWFrields: The comment on the change is: Moving this to Desktop where it's more appropriate and visible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We welcome feedback on the experimental `intel` driver. Please report success in [ Bugzilla], attaching the full output of `lspci -vn` for your machine. Given success reports, various chipsets may be switched to use the `intel` driver by default. - == Enabling compiz and AIGLX == - - To enable the fancy desktop effects, follow these steps: - - 1. ''System -> Preferences -> More -> Desktop Effects'' - 1. Log out - 1. Log back in. {{{compiz}}} should be enabled now. - - If you get stuck, please refer to the following thread: - - - ## (This one might make a good addition to the [:Bugs/FC6Common:common FC6 bugs page] after release. - - -