Fedora Weekly News 222

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o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora Announcement News
# Summer Coding 2010 - now with more time!
# New Fedora Project Contributor Agreement Draft
# Fedora 14 Naming
+ 1.1.2 Development News
# Fedora 13 Bodhi updates cleanup
o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Update acceptance testing
+ 1.3.3 Kernel triage
+ 1.3.4 Fedora 13 Beta Delta ISOs
+ 1.3.5 Fedora 13 testing
o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Upcoming Fedora 13 Tasks
+ 1.4.2 TQSG Updates
+ 1.4.3 Fedora 13 User Guide Ready for Translation
+ 1.4.4 Submission problems for SELinux User Guide
+ 1.4.5 Problems With Security Guide and Readme Live Image Guide
+ 1.4.6 Translator/Contributors List in Guides
o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Updated Fedora 13 Wallpaper

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 222 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 222[1] for the week ending April 21,
2010. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

In project-wide announcements, we have news of a time extension on the
Fedora Summer Coding project, a request for comments on a new Fedora
contributor agreement to replace the CLA, and the start of the
always-exciting naming process for the next Fedora release. From Planet
Fedora we hear of a new IcedTea (Java) release, a PyGTK hackfest, some
suggestions for sticking more closely to the release schedule, and an
interesting essay from Dan Williams on CDMA 3G data adapters. QA tells
us all about the recent Graphics Test Week, and some results of Fedora
13 Beta testing. From the Translation team we hear about the start of
Fedora 13 User Guide translation and an improvement in the arrangements
for updating the Translation Quick Start Guide (TQSG). Finally, the
design team lets us know about an update to the Fedora 13 wallpaper.
Enjoy FWN 222!

Unfortunately, as Kamisamanou Burgess is busy with study, the audio
version of FWN - FAWN - is on hold until early May. You can still listen
to old issues[2] on the Internet Archive, though. If anyone is
interested in helping spread the load of FAWN production, please contact

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see
our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback:

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue222
2. http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22FWN%22
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project,
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel-announce/
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora Announcement News ---

---- Summer Coding 2010 - now with more time! ----

Karsten Wade - Senior Community Gardener of Red Hat Community
Architecture announced[1], "We have pushed back the first part of the
Summer Coding 2010 schedule. There wasn't enough time to find sponsors.
Now there is more time for mentors and students to generate ideas and
write up good proposals, while people like you and me look for more

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-April/002789.html

---- New Fedora Project Contributor Agreement Draft ----

Tom "spot" Callaway from Fedora Legal announced[1] a proposed new
contributor agreement to replace the old Contributor License Agreement.
He asked project members to give feedback on the draft.

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-April/002790.html

---- Fedora 14 Naming ----

Paul W. Frields announced[1] the start of the naming process for Fedora
14. "Fedora 13 is just around the corner, so it's time for us to kick
off the naming process for the next Fedora release. You can make a
suggestion for the name for Fedora 14 here: [2]"

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/announce/2010-April/002791.html
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_13

--- Development News ---

---- Fedora 13 Bodhi updates cleanup ----

Bill Nottingham announced[1] a cleanup of problematic Fedora 13 updates:
"We've had a couple of issues with F13 updates where multiple versions
of a package had updates-testing requests filed in bodhi at once,
causing the 'wrong' update to be pushed to final."

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel-announce/2010-April/000600.html

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

Jan Wildeboer announced[1] the availability of IcedTea6-1.8 with many
bugfixes and feature enhancements.

Colin Walters attended[2] a PyGTK hackfest. "There are two major
orthogonal changes happening simultaneously..." Python 3 and
Introspection. Dave Malcolm had more to say[3] on the introspection
front. "In the old GTK approach to binding native libraries for use by
other language runtimes (such as Python's), a .defs file provided
metadata on the API, which had to be kept in-sync with the code...In the
new approach, "gobject-introspection" defines a simple textual format
for source-code comments, containing similar information to a .defs
file, but (I hope) rich enough to handle more of the special cases. This
is scraped from the source into an XML file (e.g. Foo.gir), then
compiled into an efficient binary format (e.g. Foo.typelib) which can be
mapped into memory at runtime using a library (libgirepository.so)."

John Poelstra posted[4] suggestions for the Fedora release schedule. "We
need to accept that unforeseen regressions and late changes have
consequences. Slipping the full Fedora release schedule when we don’t
meet our release criteria is a good way to show that and maintain a
baseline of quality for our releases. Working backwards from important
milestones and starting earlier is how we ship on time...If we really
want our releases to be on time we must give interim milestones and
tasks just as much value as the big ones..."

Karsten Wade announced[5] that the Fedora Summer Coding schedule has
been moved back a month in order to provide more time to prepare.

Dan Williams examined[6] the "two major mobile broadband technology
families: GSM/UMTS (which three quarters of the world uses) and
CDMA/EVDO (used by the rest)." The rest of the post outlines the
progress in making various broadband chips work under Linux and why you
should "buy Sierra stuff. It’s top quality and they actually care about
open-source...And guess what? They actually listened, did the work, and
put the documentation under a Creative Commons license too."

Steven Moix explained[7] how to show the desktop (hiding all
applications) now that the "Show Desktop" button has disappeared from
Fedora 12.

Richard W.M. Jones ordered[8] some of the newly-opened Ordnance Survey
(UK) datasets. "The format is really open — TIFF for the maps, and CSV
files for most of the other data. Full marks to the OS for releasing
this under a CC-compatible license."

Juan J. Martínez sought to explain[9] why your bug isn't being fixed -
and also what you can do to help the process along.

Adam Williamson recapped[10] the results of a Graphics Test Week.

1. http://gnu.wildebeest.org/diary/2010/04/14/icedtea6-1-8-release/
2. http://blog.verbum.org/2010/04/14/pygtk-performing-engine-maintenance-while-the-car-is-running/
3. http://dmalcolm.livejournal.com/5240.html
4. http://poelcat.wordpress.com/2010/04/14/shipping-fedora-on-time/
5. http://iquaid.org/2010/04/14/more-time-for-fedora-summer-coding-schedule-moved-back-a-month/
6. http://blogs.gnome.org/dcbw/2010/04/15/mobile-broadband-and-qualcomm-proprietary-protocols/
7. http://www.alphatek.info/2010/04/18/gnome-usability-tip-show-the-desktop/
8. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2010/04/18/ordnance-survey-opendata/
9. http://rambleon.usebox.net/post/533515447/why-my-bug-isnt-being-fixed
10. http://www.happyassassin.net/2010/04/20/graphics-test-week-recap/

-- QualityAssurance --

In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1]. For more
information on the work of the QA team and how you can get involved, see
the Joining page[2].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Join

--- Test Days ---

Last week saw Graphics Test Week, with NVIDIA Test Day on Tuesday
2010-04-13[1], ATI/AMD Test Day on Wednesday 2010-04-14[2], and Intel
graphics Test Day on Thursday 2010-04-15[3]. We had a great turnout
again, with 164 total adapters tested by slightly fewer testers (extra
thanks to those diligent souls who tested multiple systems!) and great
support from the Fedora X.org developers and triagers. Adam Williamson
provided a recap[4] of the week, with some statistics on the numbers of
bugs filed, and on the numbers of bugs from previous graphics Test Days
that were fixed.

This week's Test Day[5] will be on Anaconda (the Fedora installer)'s
storage support[6]: we will aim to test all the various exotic storage
device options Anaconda makes available, including various types of RAID
array, iSCSI (with iBFT), FCoE (if we can find someone with the hardware
- please do come along if you have it!) and multipath devices. The
broader the base of devices we can test the better, so please do come
along and help if you can, particularly if you have, say, a motherboard
that supports BIOS RAID and a couple of hard disks you can use
temporarily. Unlike normal Test Days, it's impractical to do this
testing with a live image, but there is some testing that can be done in
a virtual machine. The Test Day will take place all day on Thursday
2010-04-22 in the #fedora-test-day channel on Freenode IRC (if you're
not sure how to use IRC, there's an instruction page[7], or you can use
WebIRC[8]). If you can't make it on the day, you can still provide your
results on the Wiki page before or after the event.

If you would like to propose a main track Test Day for the Fedora 13
cycle, please contact the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in
QA Trac[9].

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2010-04-13_Nouveau
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2010-04-14_Radeon
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2010-04-15_Intel
4. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090271.html
5. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2010-04-22_StorageFiltering
6. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Features/StorageFiltering
7. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC
8. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fedora-test-day
9. http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/

--- Update acceptance testing ---

Adam Williamson and James Laska got together with Bodhi developers Luke
Macken and Mathieu Bridon to find out about their plans for implementing
different feedback types in Bodhi, following the proposals by Doug
Ledford[1] and Adam[2]. Luke and Mathieu indicated that this work was
occurring in the tg2 (TurboGears 2) branch of Bodhi, which they plan to
put into production in the Fedora 14 timeframe. Adam Miller continued to
revise the draft Proven Testers policy[3] based on the group's feedback.

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2010-March/131799.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-March/089690.html
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/JoinProvenTesters:Draft

--- Kernel triage ---

At the weekly Bugzappers meeting[1], Kevin Fenzi reported that he had
begun to investigate kernel triage, an area Richard June had previously
been looking into but had been lacking free time. Kevin had begun to
contact kernel team members and consider an overall strategy for
approaching kernel triage, and asked other interested group members to
join him.

1. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-04-13/fedora-meeting.2010-04-13-15.01.log.html

--- Fedora 13 Beta Delta ISOs ---

Andre Robatino announced[1] the availability of Delta ISOs for Fedora 13
Beta. As a quick reminder, Delta ISOs include just the difference
between two ISO images, allowing you to reconstruct one image from the
other and the Delta ISO, making it much faster to download a new ISO if
you have a similar previous ISO. Andre provided deltas from Fedora 12 to
13 Beta (around 40% of the size of the full F13 Beta images), and from
13 Alpha to 13 Beta (around 10% of the size of the full images).

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090082.html

--- Fedora 13 testing ---

Planned Fedora 13 testing was much quieter this week with the successful
release of the Beta, but we did see the first final blocker review
meeting[1], which was expertly summarized[2] by James Laska. All
outstanding blocker bugs for Fedora 13 were reviewed and assigned for
action by testers or the development team.

Several group members were engaged in testing the final Beta release.
Tom Horsley reported[3] a README file was present on the DVD image which
discussed the boot.iso image, which is no longer included in the DVD.
Rahul Sundaram suggested[4] he file a bug report. Tom also noticed[5] a
large amount of debugging messages from GDM in his system logs; Al
Dunsmuir also observed this[6]. Adam Williamson thought[7] this was due
to debugging statements that were temporarily enabled in plymouth to
track down a bug, but Ray Strode later mentioned in IRC conversation
that it was simply because the current gdm package is a development
release. Tom wasn't done yet; he also reported[8] results from testing
three ATI video cards, complete with bug reports.

Wolfgang Rupprecht reported[9] that upgrading to Fedora 13 Beta using
preupgrade had failed for him; Birger also had problems[10] despite
definitely having a large enough /boot partition. Kamil Paral
suggested[11] waiting for preupgrade 1.1.5 and trying again, as it has
fixes for several significant bugs.

Tommy He tried out the new backup tool Deja Dup and found it
lacking[12]: it could not restore a backup it had created. Rahul
Sundaram swung into action and made sure the upstream authors were aware
of the bug, reporting back[13] that they would look into it over the
coming weekend.

1. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-bugzappers/2010-04-16/f-13-blocker-bug-review.2010-04-16-15.12.log.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090224.html
3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090186.html
4. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090202.html
5. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090198.html
6. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090239.html
7. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090254.html
8. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090199.html
9. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090097.html
10. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090215.html
11. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090222.html
12. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090156.html
13. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/test/2010-April/090168.html

-- Translation --

This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n)

Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N

--- Upcoming Fedora 13 Tasks ---

John Poelstra informed[1] the list about the upcoming tasks for Fedora
13. At present, besides the translation for the Fedora Guides and F13
Release Notes that are on schedule, Fedora Website translation work is
due to start.

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007450.html

--- TQSG Updates ---

Continuing the earlier discussion[1] related to linking the TQSG book
from Fedora Documentation page, Piotr Drag has been granted[2] access to
docs.fedoraproject.org. As a result, updated TQSG and its translated
versions can be published faster by the FLP team.

The TQSG repository in the Fedora git has already been rearranged to
work with the new version of Transifex and Publican[3].

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue221#Request_for_TQSG_to_be_Linked_from_the_Fedora_Docs_Main_Page
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007414.html
3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007384.html

--- Fedora 13 User Guide Ready for Translation ---

The User Guide for Fedora 13 is currently ready for translation and
submissions can be made to the 'f13' branch on

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007423.html

--- Submission problems for SELinux User Guide ---

Scott Radvan reported[1] that a problem in the naming of the path is
preventing submissions of new translations for the Fedora SElinux User
Guide. The error was fixed and submissions can now be made for this
document via translate.fedoraproject.org[2].

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007417.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007427.html

--- Problems With Security Guide and Readme Live Image Guide ---

Geert Warrink from the Dutch team reported that the PO files in the
Fedora Security Guide for Dutch were not consistent with the other
languages[1]. Eric Christensen identified a few redundant files in the
repository and would be checking the source to identify any further

Additionally, redundant files were also identified in the Readme Live
Image Guide[3][4]. These files were removed from the source by Ruediger

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007438.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007439.html
3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007441.html
4. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007445.html
5. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007446.html

--- Translator/Contributors List in Guides ---

Russian co-ordinator Yulia Poyarkova highlighted[1] that the
contributors' list for the Fedora User Guide does not contain the names
of all the contributors. Ruediger Landmann explained[2] that the
contributors list is currently compiled manually and as a result the
complete list is delayed by one release. For Fedora 13, he intends to
put in place a wiki page that would allow the contributors to list
themselves for inclusion in the Guide. This would however result in
additional strings to be translated.

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007451.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/trans/2010-April/007453.html

-- Artwork --

In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].

Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork

--- Updated Fedora 13 Wallpaper ---

Paul Frields asked[1] about updating the wallpaper design with the last
iteration by Kyle Baker "So it seemed that most people enjoyed kybaker's
refresh of the wallpaper. Can we get that pressed into RPMs as an update
for F13?" Martin Sourada pointed[2] at a current lack of high resolution
versions "I'm still waiting for the high resolution versions, sorry if I
missed it somewhere..." and as soon as those became available[3] Martin
updated the package[4].

1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2010-April/002239.html
2. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2010-April/002240.html
3. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2010-April/002242.html
4. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2010-April/002245.html
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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