o 1.1 Announcements
# F13 Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine ->
<New Name>?
# Nominations now open for December
Fedora Elections
# Fedora 12 staged for mirrors, Rawhide
moving on soon
# Upcoming Events
# Past Events
o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Fedora 12 release
o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Fedora 12 Media Art
+ 1.4.2 Large Website Banner
o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Fedora Virtualization List
# Guest Bridge Configuration with libvirt
and netcf
# New Release libguestfs 1.0.78
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Xen List
# No Xen dom0 in Fedora 12 Hopefully 13
+ 1.6.3 Libvirt List
# Keeping Guest Configurations in Sync on
Multiple Hosts
o 1.7 KDE
+ 1.7.1 New Soprano Backends coming to Fedora KDE
+ 1.7.2 gtk-qt-engine retired, replaced with kcm-gtk
- Fedora Weekly News Issue 202 -
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 202[1] for the week ending November
15, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.
In Announcements, the always-popular name selection process for the next
Fedora release is underway, and nominations are open for December's
Fedora elections. Planet Fedora contributes a look at the new Fedora
Community site, some benchmarks of improbably large filesystems and a
guide to using the Sugar desktop on Fedora. From Quality Assurance we
hear about some more AutoQA improvements and the last stretch of the
Fedora 12 release process. The Design team has been working on media art
and website banners for the Fedora 12 release. Security Advisories
summarizes the security patches released for Fedora 10 and 11 over the
past week. In Virtualization, we discuss creating network bridges for
virtual machines when using NetworkManager, and a new release of
libguestfs. There's also news on the state of Xen support in Fedora 12.
Finally, the KDE section brings us up to date on some new backends for
the Nepomuk semantic desktop system, and the replacement of
gtk-qt-engine with kcm-gtk for Fedora 12. Enjoy the read!
If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-list@xxxxxxxxxx
FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson
1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue202
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join
-- Announcements --
In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project,
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and
Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam
1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
---- F13 Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine -> <New Name>? ----
John Rose, the Central US Regional Ambassador for North America,
announced the beginning of the naming process for Fedora 13[1] F13
Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine -> <New Name>? The full announcement:
"With Fedora 12 just a few days from release it is time to begin the
naming process for the next Fedora release.
Contributors can make suggestions for the name for Fedora 13 by visiting
[2] and following the instructions.
Remember there needs to be an "is-a" link between the name Constantine
and the name you suggest and this link must be different than all
previous links used to connect Fedora release names.
Full details of the release naming schedule are available on the above
link but please note than the period for gathering suggestions begins
now and runs through November 16.
So there isn't a lot of time, think up some good names, and get them
added to the wiki."
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_13
---- Nominations now open for December Fedora Elections ----
John Rose announced that the nominations now open for December Fedora
Elections[1]. Here is the announcement, "It is time to begin the process
of nominating candidates for the open seats in the following bodies:
* Fedora Project Board
* Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo)
* Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo)
General Election Schedule:
* November 10-16: Nominations are open.
* November 17-23: Candidate questionnaires.
* November 27 - December 3: IRC Town Hall-style discussions with
candidates for the various elected positions will be arranged.
* December 8-15: The elections will take place.
You may self-nominate. If you wish to nominate someone else, please
consult with that person ahead of time. Wiki nomination pages [2] carry
additional details about the nominee which the nominee is expected to
write. Simply update the respective wiki page with your nomination
Please thoughtfully consider how you can best contribute to Fedora by
serving on one of these important committees or by encouraging someone
you know who you think can make a difference to serve."
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
---- Fedora 12 staged for mirrors, Rawhide moving on soon ----
|Jesse Keating announced that the Fedora 12 staged for mirrors, Rawhide
moving on soon[1]. Here is the full announcement: "I have just staged
Fedora 12 for our mirrors. We're doing something a little different this
time around. The releases/12/Everything/ tree will be open to the public
as it gets staged. This will allow us to give people who have "Fedora
12" installed now access to the "fedora" repo. We will then be able to
move rawhide along to Fedora 13. The Fedora/ and Live/ trees will remain
locked until our release date.
On this Saturday or Sunday rawhide will have Fedora 13 content. Users of
rawhide right now do not need to do anything to keep on Fedora 12.
Unless you have modified your /etc/yum.repos.d/ files, you will stay on
Fedora 12 as we transition. Those of you that wish to move along to
Fedora 13 rawhide will need to modify your fedora rawhide.repo file and
keep it enabled, while disabling fedora and fedora-updates repos.
Thanks again to all of you who have helped make Fedora 12 the great
release it is about to be!"
Fedora events are the source of marketing, learning and meeting all the
fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the
following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!
---- Upcoming Events ----
* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM) [2]
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]
---- Past Events ----
Archive of Past Fedora Events[1]
1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events#Past_Events
-- Planet Fedora --
In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.
Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin
This week is an amalgamation of posts from the past two weeks. Two for
the price of one!
1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org
--- General ---
Andrew Vermilya Jamison took a look[1] at the new Fedora Community[2]
(Beta) site. "This is a great hub for communication in the distribution
and promises to add new features that will make it more useful to other
non Package contributing groups in Fedora...I can very well see this
becoming a portal for the average Fedora user to: Check forum replies to
topic you create, Reporting bugs using the Bugzilla API (would make it
far easier to report a bug), Search the Smolt DB for hardware that works
on Fedora, Tracking Wiki discussions and pages you might be involved
with. All that and so much more, this site has great potential."
Ujjwol Lamichhane examined[3] the Sugar desktop. "Most of you, Linux
users have always been limited to the two big desktop names in Linux.
GNOME and KDE today represent the Linux desktop. But there exist
other desktop environment along with these two; XFCE, LDE etc. All
these desktop environment was made with a normal desktop or laptop
in mind but one desktop was made with small screen and children in
mind. Yes, the Sugar; the XO’s desktop from Sugar Labs...Though named
as child's desktop environment, I found Sugar as easy as GNOME, as
plasmic as KDE and as lightweight as XFCE."
Richard Hughes' GNOME Color Manager progressed[4] further with a
website[5] and mailing list[6]. Feature-wise, the calibration process is
now easier, and and there is initial scanner support[7].
Richard W.M. Jones performed a bunch of benchmarks using guestfish's new
sparse disk file creation capability. First was a terabyte[8], but
apparently that wasn't good enough. Next up was a Petabyte and an
Exabyte[9]. Next up was an analysis[10] of the metadata overhead of
various filesystems, then of the mkfs times[11]. And if you are "baffled
by the 269 calls that libguestfs provides" check out the libguestfs API
This past week, the new Fedora Planet Meme was apparently using[13]
Fedora[14] 12[15] with[16] a[17] tablet[18].
Eric Christensen announced[19] that the Fedora Docs project material
will all be licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA.
Dave Jones tried to clear[20] up a common misconception about how Linux
handles announcing its hyper-threading status in /proc/cpuinfo.
Máirín Duffy and others have created[21] a set of media sleeves and
labels for Fedora 12, as well as a one-page Fedora 12 Release Notes PDF[22].
And in preparation for Fedora 12, Charles Brej posted[23] detailed
instructions for making Fedora icing. That you can actually eat. It's
that awesome.
Harish Pillay pointed out[24] this week's Patent Stupidity, with
Microsoft's new patent on what can only be described as the ancient and
ubiquitous "sudo" command.
2. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/
3. http://ujjwol.com.np/sugar-the-cooler-desktop/
5. http://projects.gnome.org/gnome-color-manager/
6. http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-color-manager-list
8. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/terabyte-virtual-disks/
9. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/petabytes-exabytes-why-not/
10. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/filesystem-metadata-overhead/
13. http://mairin.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/fedora-12-rocks-on-tablets/
14. http://thefinalzone.blogspot.com/2009/11/fun-with-tablet.html
15. http://www.braincache.de/wp/2009/11/13/kindergarden-drawing/
16. http://mairin.wordpress.com/2009/11/13/friday-fun-with-tablets/
17. http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/2009/11/kindergarden-drawing.html
18. http://tatica.org/2009/11/13/dibujando-como-en-kindergarden/
19. http://fedora-sparks.blogspot.com/2009/11/docs-going-to-cc-by-sa.html
23. http://brej.org/blog/?p=103
24. http://harishpillay.livejournal.com/167485.html
-- QualityAssurance --
In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1].
Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson
1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA
--- Test Days ---
There have been no Test Days for the last two weeks, due to the
pressures of the Fedora 12 release.
No Test Day is currently planned for this week. If you would like to
propose a main track Test Day for the Fedora 13 cycle, please contact
the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in QA Trac[1].
1. http://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/
--- Weekly meetings ---
As the QA beat was unfortunately not present for Fedora Weekly News
#201, we will cover two weeks' worth of events below.
QA group weekly meetings[1] were held on 2009-11-02 and 2009-11-09. The
full logs are available[2], [3].
During the meeting of 2009-11-02, Adam Williamson reported that Milos
Jakubicek had not yet followed up on his idea regarding an event to work
on FTBFS problems. Jóhann Guðmundsson was also not present to report on
his work on creating a test case for keyboard layout issues[4]. Will
Woods was making good progress on the action items for AutoQA from the
previous meeting.
The group reviewed the status of the Fedora 12 code base with regards to
the then-impeding release candidate phase. It was generally agreed that
the status was promising and it should be possible to make the release
candidate phase on time, based on a review of the blocker bug list.
Will Woods and Kamil Paral reported on the progress of the AutoQA
project. Will had been working on revising the AutoQA code to provide a
Python library interface[5]. He had been moving all shared or
potentially shareable code from all current AutoQA tests into the
library. He hoped to have it merged into the master branch by the end of
the week. He also noted that a newer version of autotest was currently
being packaged and implemented into the AutoQA system, which may cause
strange results if any bugs emerged.
Adam Williamson reviewed upcoming events. The release candidate date was
Wednesday 2009-11-04 and the go/no-go date Monday 2009-11-09. Jesse
Keating clarified that for an RC build to be done, the blocker bug list
must be clear, but new issues that emerged during RC compose and testing
could be resolved up until the date of the go/no-go meeting. James Laska
promised to co-ordinate with the anaconda team to ensure there were no
remaining blocker issues in installation.
The meeting of 2009-11-09 was held during the final run-up to the Fedora
12 go/no-go meeting, so there was some last-minute blocker bug
discussion. Jóhann Guðmundsson had not yet been able to work on creating
a test case for keyboard layout issues[6]. James Laska had followed up
with the anaconda team and verified no blocker bugs remained in the
installation process. Adam Williamson noted that one of the anaconda
bugs that definitely wasn't left had been fixed the previous day.
Will Woods and Kamil Paral reported on the progress of the AutoQA
project. Kamil had added a check to rpmguard for the case where an old
version of rpmdiff is installed. Will had the new python library ready
but wanted more testing before merging it into master. The new Koji
watcher (for running AutoQA tests on new builds as they hit Koji) was
now functional.
James Laska pointed out that Matthias Clasen had asked the group to test
Fedora 12 0-day updates by enabling the Fedora 12 updates and possibly
updates-testing repositories and updating their systems. James thought
it would be a good idea to create a test case for testing the update
repositories for a release before they were generally enabled.
A Bugzappers group weekly meeting[7] was held on 2009-11-03. No meeting
was held on 2009-11-10. The full log is available[8]. Richard June
reported that he was continuing to work on kernel triage. He had not
been in touch with Jeff Hann regarding his volunteering to help out yet,
but would attempt to co-ordinate via the mailing list.
Adam Williamson asked if anyone had concerns about unaddressed issues
for the Fedora 12 release, and no-one did. Adam asked Matej Cepl how he
was coping with X.org triage while François Cami was mostly unable to
help, and he said it was difficult to stay on top of the large number of
bugs. Adam promised to continue to try and manage the nouveau driver
bugs, and Thomas Janssen volunteered to help out with others. Matej said
he would work with Thomas to bring him up to speed on X triaging.
Edward Kirk reported that he had worked on outstanding Fedora 10 bugs,
and managed to update some and close others. He also reported that the
maintainer warning email for the upcoming Fedora 12 housekeeping
Bugzilla changes had been sent out. John Poelstra was ready to do the
Rawhide bug rebase (moving open Rawhide bugs to Fedora 12) and Fedora 10
bug end-of-life warning operations.
The next QA weekly meeting will be held on 2009-11-16 at 1600 UTC in
#fedora-meeting, and the next Bugzappers weekly meeting on 2009-11-17 at
1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting.
1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings
4. http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=530452
6. http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=530452
7. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BugZappers/Meetings
--- Fedora 12 release ---
Much of the group activity in the last two weeks was centred around
Fedora 12 release testing and validation. James Laska posted a recap[1]
of the final blocker bug review meeting for Fedora 12. James, Adam
Williamson and Will Woods worked with the release engineering team
throughout the final week before release to continuously monitor blocker
bug status, test fixes, and monitor for newly identified blocker bugs
and regressions.
Four release candidate builds were produced by the release engineering
group with the help of testing and feedback from QA. Liam Li
co-ordinated the planned installation testing through the test compose
and release candidate process[2] [3], and maintained the test results
matrix[4]. He also sent a post mortem on the testing process[5]. Many
members of the group contributed valuable test reports to the matrix.
Several group members, including Gianluca Cecchi, Gene Czarcinski and
others posted test installation reports which helped identify important
issues that were fixed or documented during the release process.
4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_12_RC4_Install
-- Artwork --
In this section, we cover the Fedora Design Team[1].
Contributing Writer: Nicu Buculei
1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork
--- Fedora 12 Media Art ---
After Luya Tshimbalanga started last week working on media art, he
figured out[1] the sleeves do not list the minimum system requirements,
so added this information[2]. However, Nicu Buculei noticed[3] the info
from Release Notes[4] is obsolete "I am not sure we still support '200
MHz Pentium-class or better'" and Bill Nottingham chimed in[5] with the
correct data [6]. As a last step, Máirín Duffy added final polishing to
the design[7]: "I took 4 hours today to finalize the sleeve and label
designs since I've been asked by a number of people where they are, and
that they need them yesterday," and also announced it in a blog post[8].
4. http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f12/en-US/html/
--- Large Website Banner ---
Máirín Duffy posted[1] a couple of polished designs for the large
website banner, one featuring the Fedora 12 release slogan "Unite"[2]
and another without any text. Paul Frields objected to a banner with
English-only text "Any reason for us not to use the 'notext' version,
that you know of?", and looked for ways to translate it[3] - "maybe we
should see if we can get localized text out of the translations for the
'Unite' wording on the website".
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F12_release_slogan
-- Security Advisories --
In this section, we cover security sdvisories from fedora-package-announce.
Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco
--- Fedora 11 Security Advisories ---
* ocaml-camlimages-3.0.1-7.fc11.3 -
* dhcp-4.1.0p1-4.fc11 -
* libvorbis-1.2.0-9.fc11 -
* wordpress-mu- -
* ocaml-mysql-1.0.4-8.fc11.1 -
* ocaml-postgresql-1.12.3-1.fc11.2 -
* texlive-2007-46.fc11 -
* java-1.6.0-openjdk- -
* qt-4.5.3-9.fc11 -
--- Fedora 10 Security Advisories ---
* libvorbis-1.2.0-7.fc10 -
* ocaml-mysql-1.0.4-3.fc10.1 -
* ocaml-camlimages-3.0.1-3.fc10.3 -
* wordpress-mu- -
* ocaml-postgresql-1.12.3-1.fc10.2 -
* texlive-2007-46.fc10 -
* qt-4.5.3-9.fc10 -
* java-1.6.0-openjdk- -
-- Virtualization --
In this section, we cover discussion of Fedora virtualization
technologies on the @fedora-virt, @fedora-xen-list, and @libvirt-list lists.
Contributing Writer: Dale Bewley
--- Fedora Virtualization List ---
This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-virt list.
---- Guest Bridge Configuration with libvirt and netcf ----
Andrés García thought[1] he read somewhere that "with Fedora 12 there
was going to be a way to configure virtual network bridges
automagically," but was only aware of the manual[2] means of configuration.
It is possible in to configure bridges using virsh thanks to the Network
Interface Management[3] feature and image:Echo-package-16px.pngnetcf[4].
However, the process is manual and not in the GUI. Dale Bewley
blogged[5] about how to manually create a bridge in Fedora 12 using virsh.
Support for image:Echo-package-16px.pngvirt-manager integration is
targeted[6] for Fedora 13.
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Network_Interface_Management
5. http://tofu.org/drupal/node/86
6. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Shared_Network_Interface
---- New Release libguestfs 1.0.78 ----
Richard Jones announced[1] version 1.0.78 of
image:Echo-package-16px.pnglibguestfs[2], the library for accessing and
modifying virtual machine filesystems.
New Features:
* FUSE support so you can mount guest filesystems in the host [3]
* Support for btrfs, gfs, gfs2, hfs, hfs+, nilfs2, jfs, reiserfs,
* Support for huge (multi-exabyte) sparse virtual disks[5]
* New partitioning API, supports GPT and more[6]
* New tools:
* virt-ls[7]
* virt-tar[8]
* virt-edit[9]
* virt-rescue[10]
* Windows Registry support, tools and library[11] [12]
* OCaml bindings for virt-inspector
* RELAX NG schema for virt-inspector
* New APIs: utimens, vfs_type, truncate, truncate_size, lchown,
lstatlist, lxattrlist, readlinklist, case_sensitive_path, find0, mkfs_b,
mke2journal, and more ...
* New program: OCaml viewer[13]
* Allow stdout to be redirected when running guestfish remotely
(Matt Booth).
* Remove requirement for vmchannel support in qemu (horray!) and
the tricky main loop code.
2. http://libguestfs.org/
3. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/browsing-guests-using-fuse/
4. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/11/08/filesystem-metadata-overhead/
5. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/petabytes-exabytes-why-not/
6. http://libguestfs.org/guestfs.3.html#guestfs_part_add
7. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/10/19/new-tool-virt-ls/
8. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/10/19/new-tool-virt-tar/
9. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/09/23/virt-edit/
10. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/virt-rescue/
13. http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2009/09/29/graphical-virt-df/
--- Fedora Xen List ---
This section contains the discussion happening on the fedora-xen list.
---- No Xen dom0 in Fedora 12 Hopefully 13 ----
Zhang Enming was disappointed[1] to learn[2] the pv_ops dom0 support[3]
for hosting Xen guests, dropped in Fedora 9, is still not present in
Fedora 12. Zhang referenced numerous videos documenting success in
creating "a fully working Xen pv-ops dom0 Fedora 11 host operating system."
While there are experimental patches which may be applied[4] [5] to the
kernel to enable support for dom0, they are not yet in the upstream
kernel which forms the basis the Fedora kernel package.
It was decided[6] two years ago this month that Fedora "simply cannot
spend more time forward porting Xen kernels" and "the plan is to
re-focus 100% of all Xen kernel efforts onto paravirt_ops." See FWN#137.[7]
Pasi Kärkkäinen noted[8] "pv_ops dom0 kernel has only recently started
working for many/most people, so it was too late for F12 release" and
"There are still some missing features, most notably missing blktap2
support for tap:aio: file-based images."
1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-xen/2009-November/msg00019.html
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats/Virtualization
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/XenPvopsDom0
4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue190#Dom0_Kernel_Status
5. http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenParavirtOps
6. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-xen/2007-November/msg00106.html
7. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue137#kernel-xen_is_Dead
8. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-xen/2009-November/msg00020.html
--- Libvirt List ---
This section contains the discussion happening on the libvir-list.
---- Keeping Guest Configurations in Sync on Multiple Hosts ----
Thomas Treutner asked[1] "is there any best-practice how to keep VM
definitions in sync across a couple of hosts? Is it reasonable to put
<code>/etc/libvirt/qemu/ on a NFS share?"
Matthias Bolte explained[2] "No, it's not safe to share
/etc/libvirt/qemu/", but also didn't find it necessary to keep the
configs in sync. "A migrated domain stays defined on the source node and
is transient on the destination node. A transient domain has no
persistent config on its node and is lost when destroyed."
Matthias mentioned a patch[3] to the virDomainMigrate[4] function by
Chris Lalancette which will be in image:Echo-package-16px.pnglibvirt
0.7.3. The patch adds a new flag which will allow domains to be migrated
persistently. Version 0.7.3 is targeted[5] for release on November 20th.
3. http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2009-October/msg00318.html
4. http://www.libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt.html#virDomainMigrate
-- KDE --
This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora KDE Special
Interests Group[1].
Contributing Writer: Ryan Rix
1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE
--- New Soprano Backends coming to Fedora KDE ---
Mary Ellen Foster has been working on packaging the Java based Sesame2
backend for Nepomuk to replace the Redland backend. Unfortunately,
Sesame2 is dependent on many other Java packages which must first be
packaged for inclusion in Fedora. There are many packages that still
need to be packaged for this backend to make it into Fedora[1]. Mary
Ellen has been working hard to package many of these dependencies, but
this has recently fallen in priorities to personal business. Now that
she has more time to put into this packaging,[2] she has realized that
many of the packages on her wiki page were either unnecessary or already
under review in Fedora.
After Sebastian Trueg wrote[3] on his blog about getting Soprano and
Virtuoso to work together, Rex Dieter began work on packaging the
virtuoso backend as virtuoso-opensource. The Soprano plugins will not be
stable until the release of KDE 4.4; however, Dieter has packaged
snapshots with working virtuoso support in the kde-redhat unstable
repository[4] as virtuoso-opensource 5.0.12-1 and soprano
2.3.67-0.1.20091102. After installing these packages, follow steps 5-7
outlined on Trueg's blog post[5] and you should be up and running.
Please report any issues to the Fedora-KDE mailing list[6]. This is,
however, extremely early software, and may have many bugs blocking
regular use.
1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MaryEllenFoster/SopranoSesame
2. http://mairi-ruadh.livejournal.com/62989.html
3. http://trueg.wordpress.com/2009/10/09/virtuoso-for-real/
4. http://kde-redhat.sf.net/
6. http://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/fedora-kde
--- gtk-qt-engine retired, replaced with kcm-gtk ---
Rex Dieter has decided to orphan the gtk-qt-engine package in favor of
replacing it with the kcm-gtk package for Fedora 12+. The packages are
for all intents and purposes identical except kcm-gtk doesn't ship the
Qt style for gtk. The Qt style has been problematic[1] and, for the most
part, unmaintained upstream.
1. http://osdir.com/ml/fedora-devel-list/2009-10/msg01109.html
- end FWN #202 -
Fedora-news-list mailing list