Hi Jon and all --
Its good to see that there is some traction with getting wordpress-mu
going again for FWN and other content. I just read the Fedora Marketing
meeting log, and count me in to help with work on this. The most
obvious benefit we'll get is a graphical branded presence, and then
syndication as well.
I am not sure in this new format the extent to which the name Fedora
Weekly News needs to be retained. In a sense the entire effort is going
to be news on the project, right? OTOH, FWN does have name recognition,
and it might help to identify sections of the site, since there are
going to be content from all across the project.
Most of the current sections of FWN will find sections of their own in
the new format, I'd think. Certainly Ambassadors, Planet, Art/Design,
Translation, Development. Dale's virtualization beat is a creation unto
itself, covering several different areas. We'll hopefully be able to
get content from other areas that aren't even represented.
I think we should use this opportunity to fully commit FWN to this
larger effort. News will gain a lot from a branded presence and we can
all contribute to a larger goal.
Perhaps the place to start is simply going through and determining what
sections make sense in the new site, and where FWN could contribute
content to these areas?
- pascal
On 30/06/09 04:58 PM, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
Hi all,
Some people may remember talk a while ago about creating a Fedora
Magazine of sorts, news.fp.o is how it was being referred to at the
time. The marketing team is wanting to take another stab at this idea,
temporarily known fondly as $foobar.
The basic idea is that we will create a central location for all
project created content, making it easy to schedule stuff and drive
traffic to a single location. Examples of material include the
interviews that have been run over the past few release cycles,
podcasts etc. We'd also like to work with the News team and see about
getting Fedora News published at the same location, perhaps taking
advantage of shared resources etc. Would the News team be interested
in working with us on this, and if so, what sort of functions etc
would you like/need, and what do you think the best way forward would
Would love to hear feedback from people, and hoping we can work
together on this in the near future.
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