Re: Decisions on FWN leadership

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Max Spevack wrote:
On Tue, 1 Jul 2008, Oisin Feeley wrote:

I'm a bit miffed that this decision appears to have been handled as though it were "in the gift" of Max, as oppposed to a more open discussion. I realize that this smacks of thwarted ambition -- but that's because it is! I've devoted a significant amount of time to FWN over the past year or so, and I don't like the feeling that marketing, or whoever, is parachuting in a new direction without discussion from this community.

If you are to be annoyed with anyone, you should be annoyed with me. The facts are simple: Thomas left the FWN project, and I tried to step into the void to keep things moving along. For a few weeks, I was able to do this, but events caught up to me (RH Summit and FUDCon) and it became clear that we needed to get new leadership in place quickly.
You did send me a note indicating your desire to step up into a 
leadership role, and I was remiss in following up.  This was entirely 
my fault, and it demonstrated some poor leadership from me.
So here we are.  We have a number of *enthusiastic* contributors, and 
I am not here to bless a single person or persons as "FWN Editor".  I 
don't know that we even *need* an official editor.  The way I see it, 
the duties that need to be filled are:
1) Someone who nags people to get their beats done.

2) Someone who compiles the Overview page.

3) ANY NUMBER OF PEOPLE who do editorial passes over the Beats pages and edit for content, voice, etc.
4) Someone who actually sends FWN to the fedora-announce-list and also 
puts it on their blog.
None of these roles need to be filled by the same person.  I think 
there are plenty of opportunities for shared leadership and 
Oisin, I would ask that you forgive me for handling a "transition" in 
a slightly sloppy manner, and not blame Pascal or Huzaifa for my 
Can the three of you figure out a way to divide up the duties that I 
mentioned above (or any others that I forgot) in a way that can make 
sure everyone feels like their contributions are valued?
What can I do to help?  Maybe the best thing is to just step aside.

My goal is the same as it was always -- to get some number of motivated contributors working to ensure we have a FWN every week. I'm willing to help on an ongoing basis in any way that the FWN leadership team would like.
I agree, there is plenty to keep a number of people busy for some time, 
particularly with the expressed momentum to expand coverage into 
multimedia and perhaps move to a Wordpress format in place of the wiki.  
Oisin and Huzaifa, I am happy to contribute however I can.  Of the 
above, do either of you want to take the lead on any particular items?  
I can fill in where needed.
Is there a weekly News meeting?  We may want to schedule something 
weekly, or have a discussion as part of the weekly Marketing IRC, so we 
can discuss some of this as there is a lot of change right now.
 - pascal

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