Oisin Feeley wrote:
Hi all,
As I prepare to restart the @fedora-devel column I see that there has
been a change in our organizational leadership. With the greatest of
respect to Huzaifa and Pascal I'm not entirely happy with their assuming
the role of editor for the following reasons
1. I expressed an interest in taking over the editorial role to Max
after it appeared that Thomas was unfortunately unable to continue his
excellent work
You did? I didn't see it in this list.
I'm a bit miffed that this decision appears to have been handled as
though it were "in the gift" of Max, as oppposed to a more open
That isn't true. It was a open discussion in this list and I didn't see
you express interest in it. Besides, FWN can be lead by a team of
interested people instead of a single person and you can very well be
part of the team as you have been already.
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