Re: Bodhi updates-testing Autopush, Anonymous Commenting

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On 6/15/07, Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Basically, I think there's two different audiences and use cases for
"I'm pretty sure this is good, let's have people beat on it to make
sure" and "this is probably a bad update but I need to have it tested
and proven so I know what still needs fixing."

The big question is, are we going to see sandbox repos that can enable
this?  If so, is it something of high or low priority?
These sandbox repos you want to see sound a lot like repos that have
appeared sporadically in on a per maintainer basis.

Here's the problem with sandbox repos... how do I as a willing
consumer discover which sandboxes exist at any given moment in time?
Testing-updates already suffer from a discoverability penalty, even
with the repository definition included but disabled in client
systems.  If maintainers are counting on my reading through the flood
of the test mailinglist to notice that a sandbox has gone up... you
can forget it happening reliably. And bugzilla only guarantees you
that the people watching specific bugs gets a notice... but for rc
releases you may need to cast a wider net than that looking for
regressions...especially hardware specific regressions.  If
maintainers can't reliably tell people like me about sandbox creation
so I can eat the rc packages.. then there's no bloody point in wasting
the time letting this crap sit in a sandbox, collecting moss. Moss
covered shards of broken glass still hurt when eaten, only difference
is they are deceptively soft looking.

I am concerned that the sandbox concept maybe defining usage cases too
narrowly compared to size of the testing audience who are consuming
any testing packages at all. Do we have stats on the consumption of
testing-updates referenced to the consumption of released updates?

-jef"uses test updates hoping to see a package result in a kitten

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