Warren Togami wrote:
What Will Happen?
"Fedora Core" and "Fedora Extras" Bugzilla products will merge into a
single product named "Fedora". All Versions and components of the
previous two products will exist in the new combined product, then all
bugs will be migrated.
dkl will make this change without any mail being sent. I hope that we
can aim for Monday, May 21st EDT night to make this change.
Other Things Needing to be Fixed?
1) Canned Queries of Bugzilla in various scripts and URL's
2) Package Review submission template
3) owners.list and owners-sync script
Anything else people can think of that needs fixing to cope with this
Bugzilla change?
dkl said that he would prefer to do this next week. So this will be
postponed for now.
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