Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 20:10 -0500, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
"WT" == Warren Togami <wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
WT> Guidelines should be VERY STRONG SUGGESTIONS. Any deviation from
WT> the guidelines should be rare, and better have a damned good
WT> reason, tracked someplace that is easy to find.
The guidelines (especially the one in question) already have exception
clauses. The packager needs to present their argument before the
appropriate committee and if their argument is reasonable and
persuasive they can be granted an exception.
I don't think we've ever denied an exception request. Not that very many
have ever been made.
Hmm.. on second thought this does sound pretty good. Guidelines as
strict rules, and you have to request exceptions...
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