Christopher Aillon wrote:
Peter Lemenkov wrote:
Hello All!
I found another one thing that was made unpractically. We got
langpacks for 40 different languages that occupies ~12 MBytes from 43
Mbytes. This situatuin is drastically dioffers fron one with whose langpacks are not shipped with main app.
I think that it would be reasonable to split firefox into main
application package and many language packs.
On my system right now, /usr/share/locale takes up 373MB, dwarfing
whatever Firefox uses.
Which people who do minimal installs can (and do) bring down to close to 0 by
%_install_langs to something different to all in %{_libdir}/rpm/macros
Splitting out Firefox's langpacks won't solve
your problem.
Actualy it will because I'm pretty sure that Peter is already using
%_install_langs and probably also %_excludedocs
May I suggest however that a much better solution would be to use %lang XXX int
he %files list for the langpacks, that way if Peter indeed is using
%_install_langs, then he will automatically use the lnagpacks to without all
the downsides of using seperate langpack sub packages
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