Bill Nottingham (notting@xxxxxxxxxx) said: > > What actually doesn't work? Does Firefox will not start at all w/o > > them? No, it starts. If you will need some your favorite locale you > > may install it later. > > And how do you know what's available? How do you know that you need > it? You've just made every firefox user in non-english have to go > digging through comps to find firefox-langpack-<blah>; it's a horrible > user experience. I might add that in the case of Firefox you're talking about 12MB of on-disk space. That's three-tenths of a cent of hard drive space. 14 cents of flash storage. Six *hundreths* of a cent of DVD-R space. Not every place has the same prices, but, really - Fedora is not intended to be an embedded distribution, or specifically targeted at very small machines. Another example - kde-i18n contains translations for all KDE software. So, even if you're trying to install just a subset of KDE (kdebase? kdemultimedia), if you want to install translations, you have to install the translations for ktuberling or korn. With this, it's no shock that the KDE live CD can't support a variety of locales at the moment. For another example, moodle currently creates *68* language packs, totalling about 14MB in size. In order to support these 68 separate subpackages, any user who merely accesses a repository containing moodle, *even if they've never installed it*, has to download and process 16k more of data every time yum accesses the repository (not even counting the comps data). Whether that makes a difference in the grand scheme of things, I don't know. Bill -- Fedora-maintainers mailing list Fedora-maintainers@xxxxxxxxxx -- Fedora-maintainers-readonly mailing list Fedora-maintainers-readonly@xxxxxxxxxx