On 8-feb-2007, at 8:47, Hans de Goede wrote:
Warren Togami wrote:
It seems that bouncing of the ASSIGNED pointer is a polarizing
issue. Some people like it, some people hate it. NEEDINFO is a
little less polarizing, although some people hate to bounce too.
I think you're mis representing the amount of people liking it. YOU
seem to like the bouncing idea, other then that in the maillist
discussion I've only seen people disliking it in varying degrees.
Just having ASSIGNED set to the reviewer and leaving it at that has
worked well for FE for years. I understand that the tracker bug
doesn't scale hence the flags. But what problem with the old way of
doing things are you are trying to fix here? Maybe if you can
explain that, then things become more clear to the rest of us.
Fedora-maintainers mailing list
Does it really matter if we like it or not?
We have been using it since last Saturday at Fudcon, and it works
alright for now.
Of course it's not perfect, and maybe the process could have been
communicated better, but I (and I speak for myself here) haven't had
a lot of problems with it.
It's just a few mouseclicks and typing in the name of the owner in
the Assigned To field. In general most of the Redhat people who's
packages I reviewed understood the process as well,
and if not, I just pointed them to Warren's page (http://
There's a relatively small amount of people working very hard to
review some 1200 packages, but it seems to me there are many more
people arguing about the process.
I would be glad if they spend their time helping us review those
package, instead of wasting time with this discussion.
Just my 2 cents,
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