Fedora Directory Server is really close to suitable for packaging and
inclusion in the Fedora distribution. Only three issues remain:
Review Request: mozldap
Some minor issues with the .so versioning need resolving.
Review Request: svrcore-devel
Help is needed to properly convert svrcore into a dynamic .so library.
It has been suggested that autotoolizing of svrcore would be very nice,
but not a requirement. Upstream will then use this dynamic .so in future
versions, including the FDS to be submitted to Fedora Package Review
after these two issues are solved.
The Fedora Directory Server project requests your assistance in fixing
these two packages in order for FDS to become suitable for Fedora
packaging standards. This work isn't very difficult, but it must be done
properly and acceptable for upstream inclusion.
The last step is to confirm that the FDS .src.rpm works reliably with
db4-4.3.x included in FC6. The FDS team indicated that they are a little
nervous about version 4.3, because the OpenLDAP folks do not support
db4.3 due to several instability problems they have experienced.
Thus FDS with db4.3 will need to go through extensive reliability
testing. If db4.3 proves to be too problematic, then the decision could
be made to use compat-db42 (known good) or possibly experiment with
db4.4 or db4.5.
If you are interested in lending a hand, please talk to the folks at the
FDS project.
Warren Togami
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