Out of all the packages for FC6, the following packages have either A) not been rebuilt since FC5 or earlier, or B) have not been rebuilt since the new gcc / glibc packages went into the buildroots for gnu_hash. These will need to be built before the freeze on Wed. If you are working on some of these, please let the list know so that we don't stomp on your work. I'll be attacking some of them this afternoon after I clear out some pending package reviews. If you have a spare cycle and want to help out, please rebuild one of the packages in this list and let the list know you did it: ant autoconf cadaver cairo classpathx-jaf compat-gcc-296 cpufreq-utils cryptix cscope ctags cyrus-sasl dasher db4 desktop-file-utils eclipse eclipse-bugzilla eclipse-cdt eclipse-changelog eclipse-pydev emacs epic epiphany firefox gkrellm gnome-power-manager gnuplot hesiod imake inn iputils jakarta-commons-beanutils jakarta-commons-collections jakarta-commons-daemon jakarta-commons-digester jakarta-commons-lang jakarta-commons-logging jakarta-commons-modeler javacc java_cup kdeaccessibility kdeadmin kdebindings kdelibs kdemultimedia kdepim krb5 libaio libexif librtas libselinux libsemanage MAKEDEV mcelog microcode_ctl minicom mozilla mx4j mysql-connector-odbc ncpfs ntp openCryptoki openjade openoffice.org pam_krb5 pam_pkcs11 pciutils pcmciautils pilot-link policycoreutils postgresql psmisc PyXML radvd redhat-artwork s390utils samba stardict struts swig sysfsutils sysreport system-config-securitylevel system-switch-mail thunderbird tux vnc wsdl4j xalan-j2 xchat xen xfsprogs yelp -- Jesse Keating Release Engineer: Fedora
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