I'm planning on moving bits out of the traditional %_libdir/qt4. For
packagers, the biggest difference(s) will be:
libdir: %_libdir/qt4/%_lib/* -> %_libdir/*
headerdir: %_libdir/qt4/include/* -> %_includedir/*
as well as:
datadir: %_libdir/qt4 -> %_datadir/qt4
docdir: %_docdir/qt4-doc-%version -> %_docdir/qt4
translationdir: %_libdir/qt4/translations -> %_datadir/qt4/translations
These changes will affect mostly qt4 addon packages(e.g. qt4-qsa), and
should have zero impact on end users.
I'll push devel branch build tomorrow (Fri) am, and wait ~1 week (~Thu,
Jun 06) (without any show-stopping bugs appearing) before pushing
FC-4/FC-5 updates.
-- Rex