It's time to start gathering notes for FC5 test1 and final release notes. There are some very good changes and additions to the process, to make participation easier. There are also some new things that you, as developers, must do. Highlights: * Wiki used to gather notes, - not just bugzilla! * Using *docs* keyword in CVS commit logs - new magic from Elliot! * Translations of relnotes included in fedora-release package * Sub-projects responsible for supplying a beat writer - You can coerce them, you can hijack them, but you have no content in the relnotes without them covers much of this same material. Don't know what the relnotes beats are? * Changes * ** Wiki Used to Gather Notes ** Beat writers are now able to use the tree at to gather raw input and form it into content for the release notes. These pages have a light structure that generally goes one layer deep, for example, Docs/Beats/Kernel is for the kernel portion of the release notes. This maps nicely to one <section> or <chapter> in XML. Beat writers are free to add and change sub-pages, as they need. Other contributors can do the same. The only requirement to edit is that the user be registered and logged in. These beat notes are ongoing workspaces. A snapshot is taken just prior to freeze for translation, and the content is merged into the overall DocBook/XML-based release notes. These XML release notes are canonical, but necessarily behind the raw Wiki pages. Beat writers need to keep the content cleaned-up and relevant. You want to watch your page and all sub-pages using the pattern Docs/Beats/Beatname.* in your "Subscribed wiki pages" of your UserPreferences. Wiki-help for beat contributions is on-topic for #fedora-docs. ** Highlighting Your CVS Commit for Documentation ** The next time that you make a CVS commit that fulfills a feature, fixes a bug, or otherwise is worth noting in the relnotes, try this trick. Put the keyword *docs* in the commit log message, and a copy of the commit is sent to relnotes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . The beat writers and editors parse the note into the proper place, or open a bugzilla report to track the note suggestion. This is a must-do for Core packages, look for opportunities. Extras packages are encouraged to use this at milestone events, etc. This page tells more about what to highlight for *docs*: ** Use Bugzilla to Highlight an Existing Report ** Just add relnotes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to the Cc: field. We'll parse this into the proper place. ** File a Bug Report ** This small URL is for a pre-filled bugzilla report. This is a great way to submit a note or idea for the release notes, since conversations and solutions are logged. Bugs are set to block a master tracker for the release. ** Translations With Release ** The schedule for the release notes now includes time for translation, so that the translated content can appear within the fedora-release package. At the top of the shipping release notes is a prominent link to the latest online version of the relnotes. This helps to counter the problem of having to freeze the release notes so long before test and release. We'll do a Web-launch of a latest set of release notes to time with the distro releases. * New For Developers * You are responsible within your Fedora sub-project to produce content for the FC release notes. Someone from your team needs to step-up and take the role of beat writer, or find someone interested in helping your project to take that role. Being a beat writer is a _fantastic_ and reasonable way to get involved with an open source project. It's designed to be bite-sized for the average volunteer. Ultimately, the amount and quality of content in the release notes is your responsibility. The FDP takes all the rest of the responsibility -- merge, edit, convert to XML, get translated, build multiple output formats, package for fedora-release, publish to Web, make downloads available, and support with ongoing updates as needed. ** Deadline to Pick Beat Writer ** By 23 September, all sub-projects need to have picked the person who is the beat writer for your part of the release notes. This is effective for FC5 and forward. In other words, a beat may be handed-off, it may not be abandoned. Cheers - Karsten -- Karsten Wade, RHCE * Sr. Tech Writer * gpg fingerprint: 2680 DBFD D968 3141 0115 5F1B D992 0E06 AD0E 0C41 Red Hat SELinux Guide
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