On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 10:38 +0200, Tomas Mraz wrote: > On Thu, 2005-08-04 at 00:29 +0200, Matthias Saou wrote: > > > I manually tagged the FC-3 branch where the patch was now included as > > *-1_1_fc3 (where it previously was *-1_fc3) without actually changing the > > release nor anything else in the spec file, and asked plague to rebuild > > that new branch. > ... > > IMHO, you should have done instead 'TAG_OPTS=-F make tag' of course IF > and ONLY IF the build failed. The tag in CVS should indicate that a the > rpm with the same NVR as in the TAG was created from this exact CVS > contents. > > So moving the tag if no such rpm was created yet should be perfectly > correct. On the other hand what you have done is really confusing > because the *-1_fc3 tag doesn't reflect the state as of -1.fc3 rpm (this > is a big problem) and for the *-1_1_fc3 tag doesn't exist a -1.1.fc3 rpm > (this is not a problem). Just appending something, eg. ".1", to the release tag in the affected branch and tagging and building as usual would have worked, too.