Hi Everyone, Wanted to give you a heads up on the build system status. Right now it is still down. We've run into a snag where it seems like python on x86_64 or ppc on FC4 is not playing nicely with the threading and pyOpenSSL use by the buildsys code. I'm going to testing this theory on a 'spare' machine tomorrow and if it works out punting the build system boxes back to FC3 or RHEL4 for our use. After that it should be all gravy and sunshine.(hah hah) Sorry for the delay in getting things back up and running and please bear with us. When the new system comes up you, as developers and submitters of jobs, will have to add a couple of new files to your homedirs so you can submit jobs. We'll be writing up where to get these files and what to do with them once we have everything online. Again, sorry for the hassle. It'll all be over soon and then you'll have a whole new set of things to complain about! :) -sv