Hi, On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 09:57 -0400, Christopher Blizzard wrote: > I dunno - sound is pretty hosed on my laptop. I imagine that others are > suffering as well. Apps like rhythmbox and xmms will sometimes just > start playing garbage, skipping through to the end of a song very quickly. this is dmix. dmix is hosed for a lot of people currently. On my laptop, it can do any of the following after a short time (say, 5 min) of music playing: a) scramble the sound completely (similar to what you just said) b) stop playing, use no CPU c) stop playing, use 100% CPU Other people I've polled on this using FC3 and FC4 test releases have had the same issues - though not necessarily all three. I've discussed this with some people directly on IRC. I've discussed this with some people at GUADEC as well, but I can't figure out if FC4 is going to ship with dmix turned on by default. I don't really know for sure either who is "responsible" at redhat for this part of the stack - though I have some likely suspects I maybe should target :) Anyway, here is a strong warning against it - it is just not ready yet for a lot of drivers. Stuff needs to be fixed first, and clueful people need to look at the problem. Thomas Dave/Dina : future TV today ! - http://www.davedina.org/ <-*- thomas (dot) apestaart (dot) org -*-> Welcome to Hits City, Jeff K - Population: you <-*- thomas (at) apestaart (dot) org -*-> URGent, best radio on the net - 24/7 ! - http://urgent.fm/