Hello world, (Apparently I don't know any better than to send this, which could start another long-lived "future of FC5" thread. Apologies to all if that happens.) Josh's great list has "??" in most "Developer(s)" collumns, let's try to do something about it. The idea is that all e-mails in this thread should start with "I plan to work on ...". This basic filter should separate the doable projects from the obviously impossible. - It is okay to ask for help from other people, as long as you are planning to work on implementing the feature. - It is okay if it turns out that the plan can't be finished; we can't predict the future. - The project in question does not have to be on the current list. - Further discussion about the proposed projects is of course welcome; please change the subject line and try to start a new thread so that violations of the "I plan to work on ..." rule can be easily spotted. Let's see how this will work out. Mirek