Are the following the result of known bugs? Should I file if unknown?
1) FC3 x86_64 -> FC4-re0429.0 upgrade is extremely screwed.
Hardware: 2x1.2GHz Opteron on Tyan motherboard
i2o_block SCSI RAID on /dev/i2o/hda
Fresh install of FC3 x86_64 "Workstation" and all 244 32bit compat
packages. Then upgrade to FC4-re0429.0.
a) Grub gets stuck at stage 2 during bootup.
b) Rescue mode mounts /mnt/sysimage, but chroot segfaults.
c) rpm reveals that the perl.i386 is still there. Shouldn't we add a
special case to Anaconda to blow away perl.i386 on x86_64? We need to
get rid of it from all FC3 and RHEL4 anyway.
d) FC4 kernel completely failed to install, 2.6.9-1.667.x86_64 is still
the only installed kernel.
e) Other leftovers like firefox-0.10.1-1.0PR1.20.x86_64 are installed
along with the FC4 firefox-1.0.3-2.x86_64 for seemingly no reason.
2) x86_64 Eclipse trouble
x86_64 eclipse on 2GHz Athlon64 3200+ takes about 25 seconds to start.
/tmp on the x86_64 contains hundreds of zero size files like
[warren@fedora64 tmp]$ ls -l *jar* |wc -l
i386 eclipse on 1.6GHz PentiumM takes about 13 seconds to start.
No apparent trouble files dumped into /tmp
3) Metacity New Window focus
In FC3 when you click on the Web Browser launcher, the new window always
pops up. In FC4 new windows seem to always pop-under which may be very
confusing to users. Was this change intentional?
Warren Togami