Oliver Falk wrote:
Yes, I encountered this problem allready, but that's the reason, why I 'move' the cvs tag. So my cvs tag line reads as: cvs tag -F $(TAG_OPTS) -c $(TAG) (As you can see I added -F). That works fine here. I'm sure, that you, Red Hatters, do work this way and I also work this way very often, but for the most people out there - I guess - they run tag and build on the same machine!?
force-tag is something that should never ever be used by default. Just as it is easy to forget to tag something, it is easy to forget that you already tagged something, and then blow it away by accident. If -F was the default, and the last build released to the community was 6.8.2-22, and I check in 10 patches, various spec file updates and do "make build", if it did '-F' and I forget to bump the spec file release, I just moved the -22 tag from where it was, to the current state of the tree, effectively blowing away the actual released -22 release from being able to be checked out of CVS.
The reason why I always tag it before building, is that I cannot forget it then. :-)
Our buildsystem only builds things that are tagged, so we don't have that problem. If we forget to tag, it will present some horrible error messages to us to make sure we remember. ;o)