Editorial board meeting recap 2020-06-17

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Minutes (text):

#fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board

Meeting started by asamalik at 12:00:02 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll call  (asamalik, 12:00:02)

* Agenda  (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * LINK: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-magazine/workflow/
    (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * -- 1/ Last week's stats --  (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * -- 2/ In progress followup --  (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * -- 3/ Finished articles to review --  (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * -- 4/ Articles to edit --  (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * -- 5/ Publishing schedule --  (asamalik, 12:06:11)
  * -- 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve --  (asamalik,
  * -- 7/ Open floor --  (asamalik, 12:06:12)

* 1/ Last week's stats  (asamalik, 12:06:29)
  * Week of 8 Jun: 63k pageviews -- basically the same as last week
    (asamalik, 12:06:35)

* 2/ In progress followup  (asamalik, 12:09:01)
  * Looking at the 'in progress' column, is there something that's been
    finished? Anything to follow up on with its author?  (asamalik,
  * LINK: Board:
    (asamalik, 12:09:01)
  * ACTION: asamalik to audit WordPress roles and privileges to ensure
    all editors have appropriate privileges  (bcotton, 12:16:35)

* 3/ Finished articles to review  (asamalik, 12:23:21)
  * Looking at the 'review' column, let's decide which articles are good
    to go. Move each either to the 'to edit' (finished) or to the 'in
    progress' (needs more work) and provide feedback.  (asamalik,
  * LINK: Board:
    (asamalik, 12:23:21)

* 4/ Articles to edit  (asamalik, 12:30:27)
  * Looking at the 'to edit' column, assign an editor and a cover image
    creator.  (asamalik, 12:30:27)
  * LINK: Board:
    (asamalik, 12:30:27)
  * ACTION: jakfrost image + edit #182  (asamalik, 12:35:33)
  * ACTION: asamalik iamge + edit #158  (asamalik, 12:35:42)

* 5/ Publishing schedule  (asamalik, 12:38:41)
  * Looking at the 'queued' and 'to edit' columns, decide the publishing
    schedule for the next week period.  (asamalik, 12:38:41)
  * If there is not enough content, we might also need to look at the
    'in progress' or even the 'article spec' columns come up with
    additional content.  (asamalik, 12:38:41)
  * LINK: Board:
    (asamalik, 12:38:41)
  * AGREED: PUBLISHING SCHEDULE:  Fri 19 Jun 2020: #184 Fedora 32 and
    Docker (image: DONE, edit: sysoplab) -- Mon 22 Jun 2020: #158 How to
    block network access by country with firewalld (image: asamalik,
    edit: asamalik) -- Wed 24 Jun 2020: #182 Get started with Haskell
    (image: jakfrost, edit: jakfrost)  (asamalik, 12:44:10)

* 6/ Article proposals to clarify / approve  (asamalik, 12:45:33)
  * Review the the article proposals and decide about what's next — a
    new article spec? more discussion?  (asamalik, 12:45:33)
  * LINK: Article proposals:
    https://pagure.io/fedora-magazine-proposals/issues  (asamalik,

* 7/ Open floor  (asamalik, 12:52:51)

Meeting ended at 13:01:18 UTC.

Action Items
* asamalik to audit WordPress roles and privileges to ensure all editors
  have appropriate privileges
* jakfrost image + edit #182
* asamalik iamge + edit #158

Action Items, by person
* asamalik
  * asamalik to audit WordPress roles and privileges to ensure all
    editors have appropriate privileges
  * asamalik iamge + edit #158
* jakfrost
  * jakfrost image + edit #182
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* asamalik (92)
* gregbartholomew (31)
* jakfrost (26)
* bcotton (20)
* zodbot (11)
* stickster (3)
* misc (0)
* cverna (0)
* sub_pop (0)
* rwaltr (0)
* ryanlerch (0)

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Adam Šamalík
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat
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