Hello Magazine visitors and developers!
This mailing list was created for many purposes. In this list we can
cover everything that happens on the magazine. We would like to be more
open with the magazine and discuss everything magazine-related stuff in
this list. Everyone is free to participate. This is a list for
contributors to discuss anything from bugs to ideas for a better
magazine, and also this is a way to communicate with visitors as well,
to tell us their opinion about the magazine, or even write us a feedback
or ask a question.
We would like to inform you that a lot of things on the magazine are now
on track :). Many bugs were fixed and we now have a good flow of posts
on the magazine. The calendar is finally released, covering all types of
events within the fedora community. We do our best to keep it updated
with all the latest events, but we are also working to have the calendar
pull from fedocal as an automated process. New categories and tags were
added, making it easier for a visitor to find a post.
Many other contributors and me, hope to see the magazine on the top in a
few months. To do that we would really like your help![1]
-Zacharias Mitzelos
[1] http://fedoramagazine.org/join-magazine
magazine mailing list