Our Korean translators have translate the copyright as (Thanks, Eun ju):
Copyright of Man Page
Copyright of Translated Man Page
The copyrights of all translated manpages in the Korean Manpage Project
are inherited from
copyright of the original English. There are no additional restrictions
on the Korean Manpage
Project. However, the secondary right which could be incurred on the
translation is as follows:
1. Copyright of translated man page specified by translator is owned by
the translator.
2. Copyright of translated man page unspecified by translator is owned
by the Korean Manpage
3. For archives distributed as packages in the Korean Manpage Project,
copyright of the archive
is owned by the Korean Manpage Project.
4. Even if the cases listed above, there are no restrictions on the
modification or redistribution
of document. If the document is modified or redistributed it must
specify the source of appropriate
manpage is from Koren Manpage Project so that the feedback has to be
sent to the Korean Manpage
It is possible the documents on this site may contain false information
due to a technical error or
mistranslation. However, Korean Manpage Project does not guarantee
anything even in this case. If
there is false information, please let administrator know or report the
error to the appropriate
place on the homepage. The documents of this site are subject to change,
delete, or move without
notice due to error correction of the documents.
Ding-Yi Chen
Tom "spot" Callaway 提到:
On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 16:35 +1000, Ding-Yi Chen wrote:
I am packing the man-pages-ko, the Korean manpages.
The package (man-pages-ko) itself contain nothing more than collection
of translated manpages.
Nevertheless, it does have a Korean copyright announcement
(http://man.kldp.org/wiki/ManPageCopyright) .
The Google translates it to:
There is no way I could even begin to make a reasonable call based on a
google mangled translation. Can you get one of our translation team to
translate this cleanly?
fn:Ding-Yi Chen
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