--On Monday, October 31, 2005 2:45 PM -0800 Jesse Keating
<jkeating@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is yum 2.0.x that is in FC1 and FC2, not sure about FC3. Yums
greater than 2.1 or 2.2 have a new metadata format that they use. This
is the 'old yum' vs 'new yum' that we're talking about. I have enabled
both formats to work on the Legacy mirrors.
Thanks for doing so.
Something for users new to 2.1 to watch out for: The --download-only switch
went away. If you add that to your nightly cron job (in
/etc/cron.daily/yum.cron), it will either break the script or install the
updates (I forget which). I believe another utility is available that does
the equivalent.