--On Wednesday, September 28, 2005 11:21 AM -0400 James Kosin
<jkosin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm not knocking RedHat, Fedora or Fedora-Legacy this is a good
point. But, some of us need more than just patches to get us by.
I know, If you really want the latest, why not update to FC4... The
problem there is that this is a server. I shouldn't have to strip the
system down and rebuild it every 6-months or so. I also don't have
the money or budget to spend lots of money on RedHat ES.
I don't think ES would solve that issue anyway. ES would have the same
policy as legacy, providing only security updates. It's just got more
manpower to do so. You still wouldn't get new features. For that you need
an OS upgrade.
Those of us who want to upgrade incrementally without doing the whole
platform are pretty much on our own. (I'm in a similar situation with FC2.)