On Sep 25, 2005, at 3:48 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 06:33 -0400, Jeff Sheltren wrote:
Yes, you'll want to have a local (either on your LAN or on the build
machine itself) mirror of the repositories. I like the idea of
perhaps having a mock build system available to a handful of people
who create packages for Legacy - it could perhaps be setup much the
same way as the Fedora Extras build system, with the difference
being, once it is built it spits it back out for you to download/post
instead of queuing it for signing, release, etc. See http://
fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects/Plague to read more about their build
I'm working on converting our existing Legacy build server into a
Plague/mock server. I have test hardware at my house that I am
using to
test it out before I deploy it over the system we currently use.
When I
get back from vacation (as I quickly look around to make sure my wife
doesn't catch me answering email....) I'll be putting more effort into
Jesse, I'm not sure if I mentioned to you before, but I'd be glad to
help you with this if needed. Then, what I was implying was that
there could be a way for package builders to submit jobs to the
server (maybe a different one than the main build server - but I
guess we'll need to see who all wants to use it) in order to build
them in mock. This would be a different queue than used for real
builds (which would go on to be pgp signed, and released), instead,
it would make the SRPMs accessible to the builder so they could post
them for QA.
Anyway, just a thought - not sure how much demand there is for such a