Last night I upgraded my wife's 1998 pentium2 desktop from FC1 to FC2, using CDs which a helpful soul had downloaded and burned for me back in February; they had worked then, and FC2 ran fine on my testbed machine, a 1998 pentium2, until the other day when that antiques developed hardware trouble. (It's in the shop now.) The install seemed to go fine. When it was done and rebooted, it had saved all the obvious things I looked at, and it let me as root do "up2date yum" and "up2date kernel." Then I did "yum update." That also went fine, afaict; and since the main object of the upgrade was to get a better version of abiword for the book she's writing, I did "rpm -q abiword" both before and after the yum update; it did change. This morning it showed the usual signs of lacking connection: privoxy non-connects, a message from Pine saying "no such host as," etc. But the upstairs machines, on the same router behind the same cable modem, were connecting. I tried checking the server settings off the main menu; eth0 was not listed. I tried rebooting, and watching the boot messages. After "enabling loopback interface" it didn't even try to bring up eth0! I tried hacking through the internet wizard. That got me to a configuration screen that was already set to use DHCP, but had an IP address in it which I didn't recognize -- it may be the one to my ISP directly. It certainly isn't one of the form which the DHCP in my router uses. What do I need to do, and how? Figure out (from ifconfig?) what the machine's MAC address is, and from that what IP it should use, then find the suspect one again and change it? Just do a "service <duhhh> start," where <duhhh> is something I disremember? Or .... -- Beartooth Neo-Redneck, Linux Evangelist FC 1&2, YDL 4; Pine 4.63, Pan 0.14.2; Privoxy 3.0.3; Dillo 0.8.4, Opera 8.0, Firefox 1.0.3, Epiphany 1.0.4 Remember that I have little idea what I am talking about. -- fedora-legacy-list@xxxxxxxxxx