I notice that there are no docs for yum and redhat 8.0. It is possible I may have missed them but I am looking at http://www.fedoralegacy.org/docs/ in particular. I have copied and pasted from the redhat 7.x instructions and changed things where necessary. Please take a look and see what needs to be fixed before it can be put up. I have omitted documention on how to use yum 1.x with redhat 8.0 as I don't recommend it. Please add it if you think it is important.
Kind regards, Raphael
Using yum to keep Red Hat Linux 8.0 up to date
/yum/ (*Y*ell dog *U*pdater, *M*odified) is an automated package management program which may be used to install, remove, and update packages on an RPM based system. It will help you to keep your system up to date and is used by Fedora Core, the successor to Red Hat Linux.
Step 1: Preliminaries
Linux prevents ordinary users from installing, removing, or modifying system software, libraries, and important configuration information. So you must have root access to proceed. You may either login as the root user, or use the /su/ (or /sudo/) commands to become the root user on the machine.
*Note:* Be careful when running as root! Be sure to logout of the root account as soon as you are done. Running as root is dangerous, and should only be used when needed. Typos or mistakes can destroy your system or your data, so it is important that you be careful when running as root.
When you are running as root, your prompt will be changed to the *#* character. In the command examples below, we include this prompt, however you should not type the *#* character when entering a command
Step 1: Updating yum and rpm
The one complication with configuring yum to work with red hat 8.0 is that you have to have the correct yum version to go with your rpm version. The official chart can be found at http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download.ptml. However, for our purposes we simply recommend updating both to the latest reasonably bug free versions.
rpm -Uvh http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/freshrpms/redhat/8.0/yum/yum-2.0.3-5.rh.fr.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.us/patches/redhat/8.0/i386/RPMS.stable/rpm-4.1.1-1.8x.i386.rpm
Step 2: Configuring yum.conf
Yum uses a file called yum.conf that can be found in the /etc/ directory to decide where to download updates from. This file needs to be configured to work with fedora legacy. The simplest method is to create such a file containing the following:
# See the yum.conf(5) man page for information the syntax of this file, # including failover setup.
[main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log pkgpolicy=newest
# Please use nearby mirrors! For a an up to date list of Fedora Legacy mirrors, see
# http://www.fedoralegacy.org/download/fedoralegacy-mirrors.php
[redhat-os] name=Red Hat Linux $releasever ($basearch) baseurl= http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/$releasever/$basearch/yum/os/ gpgcheck=1 failovermethod=priority
[redhat-updates] name=Red Hat Linux $releasever ($basearch) updates baseurl= http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/$releasever/$basearch/yum/updates/ gpgcheck=1 failovermethod=priority
[fedora-stable] name=Fedora Linux / stable for Red Hat Linux $releasever ($basearch) baseurl= http://download.fedora.us/fedora/redhat/$releasever/$basearch/yum/stable/ gpgcheck=1 failovermethod=priority
Step 2.1: Optionally add mirror sites
yum will be installed so as to use download.fedora.us as the source of updates. You may want to configure it to use additional mirror sites which are closer to you, faster, or meet your security policy. yum supports automatic fail-over when one or more servers are unavailable, so it is advantageous to use multiple mirror sites to take advantage of this fail-over support. yum will use the sites in the order presented in the /baseurl/ parameters of your configuration file, so you should order them so that the most desirable sites will be tried first before your fail-over mirrors.
Again, please note that this step is optional, and it is up to you to decide if you wish to implement it.
You can find a list of current Fedora Legacy mirrors at http://www.fedoralegacy.org/download/fedoralegacy-mirrors.php
You will need to manually edit the file /etc/yum.conf to set the mirror site(s) should you chose to do so.
Step 2.2: Add the GPG (security) keys
All Fedora Legacy packages are signed with GPG keys. All packages should be verified using these keys. See http://www.fedoralegacy.org/about/security.php for more information.
In order properly to verify the packages, you need to add the appropriate GPG keys to your root user's keyring. To import the keys, use the following command as the root user:
rpm --import http://www.fedoralegacy.org/FEDORA-LEGACY-GPG-KEY
Step 3: Update your system
Once you have installed the yum package, you should run the following command as the root user on your system to update your system:
# yum update
This will create a current package list for your system, download the updates for all packages which require updating (and any dependencies for those packages), and install them on your system.
Before you do that you may wish to run
# yum check-update which will show you all the packages yum thinks need to be updated
*Warning:* This may take some time on your first use of yum, depending on how up to date your system is and the speed of your internet connection! Yum is not known for its speed but once you have completed the first update the subsequent ones will be much faster.
Step 4: Decide if you want automatic updates
yum has the ability to automatically apply (download/verify/install) all updates to your system, but this feature is disabled by default. If you want to enable that functionality, please enter the following command as the root user on your system:
# chkconfig yum on # service yum start
After that, yum will update your system through the cron job /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron, which will run every night (or later through anacron, if your system isn't running all the time).
Step 5: Subscribe to fedora-legacy-announce
You may subscribe to the fedora-legacy-announce <http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-legacy-announce/> mailing list to be informed by e-mail when new updates become available. This step is optional, but highly recommended.
Step 6: Please help us with our service!
The Fedora Legacy project is always in the need of helping hands. Please check the Participate <http://fedoralegacy.org/participate/> section of our website to see what you can do to help us. As we're a community project, our success will heavily depend on helping hands – possibly you!
If you find a problem with an update published by The Fedora Legacy Project, or in The Fedora Legacy Project documentation, please let us know!
Step 7: Optionally learn additional features of yum
Below is a summary of some of the more advanced features of yum for those who wish to know more. You do not need to know these commands to keep your system updated; they are simply provided for those who want to learn more about using yum to its fullest.
yum list List all available software. yum check-update See if there are updated packages available. yum update Update all installed packages that have a newer version available. yum install /<packagename>/ Install specific package(s) (and its dependencies, if missing any). yum search /<word>/ Search all known packages entries (descriptions etc) for /<word>/. yum info /<packagename>/ Show basic information about a package.
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