On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 22:30, seth vidal wrote: > We should talk about: http://linux.duke.edu/metadata - specifically the > generate/createrepo program that makes xml out of a hierarchy of rpms. That sounds interesting, unfortunately I haven't had time to take a look into the metadata stuff at all (yet). > IT could make fancix be a little less abusive to a server when looking > through lots of files. Sure, but I think that may be a bit out of scope for Fancix, although probably better suitable for the purposes discussed here. Fancix was created specifically for the purpose of (well, learning Python and...) doing things dynamically. The itch I wanted to scratch was to do dynamic stuff, like on-the-fly extracting files from inside tarballs, zips, rpms (not implemented yet for rpms - anyone know a Python cpio library?) etc.