I can give it a shot. Were do I get the patches from? Do I work from what Debian did? -- Christian Pearce http://www.commnav.com rohwedde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jason) said: > > > Debian posted an advisory for ethereal the other day with quite a few > patches listed. Most were covered from a previous redhat patch, except > for 2. [ CAN-2003-1012, CAN-2003-1013 ]. The debian advisory is at > [ http://www.debian.org/security/2004/dsa-407 ], previous redhat one is > [ https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2003-323.html ]. I'll take a crack > at it when I get a chance.. but if anyone else want to work on it.. be > my guest :) > > -jason >