os Base Distribution updates RH updates + Legacy updates updates-testing Legacy updates undergoing regression testing stable Very limited number of add-on packages
Fedora Legacy users should use minimally os, updates, and stable channels. If you want to participate in testing of candidate updates, then also subscribe to updates-testing channel.
stable channel will contain mainly support utilities from fedora.us and Legacy like apt, yum, and fedora-rpmdevtools. We can also consider adding other safe and simple server support tools only by consensus. I would suggest these packages that are already in fedora.us stable for inclusion:
bonnie++ Very useful stability test for servers chkrootkit Security checking for servers ddrescue Data recovery for servers hardlink Space consolidation for mirror servers iptstate Very simple Netfilter stateful top [1]
Any other suggestions for simple server support tools?
I would suggest against expanding the scope beyond this for Legacy's support of these older distributions.
I just realized one problem with this scheme. While "stable" works this way for RH7.2 and RH7.3 at fedora.us, we cannot have "stable" as mandatory for Legacy users on RH8, RH9 and FC1 because those repositories already contain many more packages beyond the stated scope of Legacy.
For this and the reason of consistency, I am renaming Legacy's "stable" to "legacy". The "legacy" channel serves the exact same purpose across all distributions.