Quoting Bart Martens <bart.martens@xxxxxxxxx>:
Page http://www.fedoralegacy.org/ points to http://www.fedora.us/LEGACY
with link name "development in progress".
Correct. I'm not sure why it leaves our site, but I assume it has to
due with fedora.us hosting our bugzilla.
Page http://www.fedoralegacy.org/about/overview.php points to
http://www.fedora.us/wiki/PackageSubmissionQAPolicy with link name
"fedora.us Package Submission & QA Policy".
That page is sorely out of date, but since changes to it need to be done
via community agreement, and no one has had the time to pursue that yet,
it stays out of date. We don't have our own official QA Policy page yet,
though we do have drafts, so that link is the most valid at this time.
So on page http://www.fedora.us/wiki/PackageSubmissionQAPolicy the
LEGACY keyword is missing in the list of Bugzilla Keywords.
Because it is a page that is for fedora.us, and not legacy, and was never
updated to include legacy even though legacy pointed at it. But probably
it would be best for us to just get our own QA page up asap.
Eric Rostetter