I was just informed that the traditional Fall cider squeeze conflicts with
the GSLUG meeting. Since, IMHO, family is more important, they win out.
I'll have to make it to the next meeting.
I respect your HO. ;p
The TACLUG meeting is the week after that. If you guys are willing to make
the trek down to Tacoma, we can all meet then. A group of us usually meet
afterwards as well for beer and dinner.
Heh. That weekend, MY family has plans. :-\
Cool, will do. Co-authored by the RHL Bible guy, I see. Definitely looks
like something I'd enjoy reading.
If you come to the TACLUG meeting, bring a copy of your RHL Bible, he's usually there and is always happy to sign it.
I do still intend on making it down there at some point. Thus far, I've not been all that impressed with the Seattle meetings, and Tacoma is just about as far a drive as North Seattle Community College for me. Taking time out two Saturdays in a row is tough though (that family thing again :).
Any chance you could make it to the Tuesday evening Unix Group meeting? Not really much time to talk though...
Check it out again, I think you'll find it is worlds better now. Out of
curiosity, how long ago was the time at which it sucked pretty badly? :)
Right about the time we were writing the PVR chapter. That would have been
about a year ago.
Gotcha. It was pretty solid when I first got into it, in late May, and keeps getting better.
Aha. I'm going to spend some more time looking at it myself. I absolutely love my MythTV box now though (esp. since getting an Audio Authority VGA->Component Video adapter to feed my HDTV).
You might just spend your time on MythTV. WebVCR+ is simply a front end that schedules a recording program. You have to use your own viewer.
But I assume it stores something in a standard format, unlike MythTV... Myth now has a web front end to schedule (and delete) recordings now also. I definitely think the two projects could help one another out in some way (if only by swiping ideas from one another). One thing I particularly like is the client/server model Myth has. I only need one backend video capture machine, and multiple client machines can view the TV shows. But I digress... Time for z's, so I don't fall asleep at the GSLUG meeting. ;p
-- Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE
Got a question? Read this first... http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html MythTV, Red Hat Linux 9 & ATrpms documentation: http://pvrhw.goldfish.org/tiki-page.php?pageName=rh9pvr250 MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive http://www.gossamer-threads.com/archive/MythTV_C2/