On Tuesday 07 October 2003 14:37, Jarod C.Wilson wrote:I should be able to make this Saturday's GSLUG meeting.
If so, I'll see you there. I'm the 6'3" 220lb. guy in a baseball cap w/a white iBook.
Strange.. I'll be the 5'6" 230lb. guy, possibly in a baseball cap (Red Hat one) w/ a white iBook as well....
Navy blue Nike cap for me, most likely. And a bit on the young side. ;)
Anyone else plan on attending?
I do recall seeing your name on the site some time ago, prior to my first attendance. I may be doing a presentation or two of my own in the near future (MythTV)...
I think I remember talking to you about that a while back.
I gave MythTV a go a while back on my own, only to find out my dogfood box just wasn't up to the task (Duron 950, 320megs of ram, 4x Ultra2 9gig SCSI disks, WinTV GO POS TV card)
Yeah, for a software-encoding card like that "POS" as you call it (very aptly named, in fact; I have a similar POS in my collection), a Duron 950 won't cut it. Now with a PVR-x50 hardware encoding card, my Athlon 800 does fine... I just got a pcHDTV card; very cool... MythTV has been rapidly maturing. I maintain a decent little write-up on how to install from scratch on RHL9, entirely from rpms now (see sig)... Okay, veering back on-topic...
You can hit up the web site at http://www.seaslug.org/ and the meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm, located at Myrio in Kirkland.
Kirkland, great! I live in Redmond.
Moved out of Renton due to getting the job at Pogo, I assume (I follow the RH and Mondo mailing lists too :).
Now I know why I haven't been to the Unix meetings. I used to have something going every Tuesday night.
That would do it.
Wait a sec, isn't this the second Tuesday?
Nope. Today's the 7th. The 1st was a Wednesday. The second Tuesday is next week.
Is there a meeting tonight?
Nope, see above. ;p
If so, I might go, although I think my wife has the car until 8pm ):
That'd be a problem, if the meeting was tonight. Myrio basically locks the doors after 7pm, so you have to be on time, or you can't get in... If it is a problem, I could probably provide transportation. Redmond isn't exactly on the way from Maple Valley, but not too far out of the way (depending on where, exactly...).
-- Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE
Got a question? Read this first... http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html MythTV, Red Hat Linux 9 & ATrpms documentation: http://pvrhw.goldfish.org/tiki-page.php?pageName=rh9pvr250 MythTV Searchable Mailing List Archive http://www.gossamer-threads.com/archive/MythTV_C2/