Anyhow, I definitely have an interest in maintaining support for RH7.3/9, since this is the core of what my current clientele uses, most of whom either cannot or will not shell out the clams (double-double semi-intended) for RHEL, and can't/won't keep up with Fedora.
I'm also a Seattle-area guy, meaning in-person collaboration w/Jesse would be a possibility, if it would be helpful for any reason. Speaking of which, Jesse, do you attend many of either the Seattle Linux or UNIX user group meetings? I've found the Linux group meetings fairly... unprofessional... But the UNIX meetings are always nice and professional (lots of RH folks there too, many likely with the same concerns Fedora Legacy aims to address). The meeting places and times for the two sum it up: North Seattle Community College on Saturday afternoons versus Myrio Corporation on Tuesday nights, respectively. But I digress. I'll be at the next meeting of both, and I'll plug the Fedora Legacy project (unless you're there; I imagine you'd do a better job :). Perhaps some of them could also lend a hand.
-- Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE
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