On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 03:38:12PM -0700, Stephen Smoogen wrote: > pluses: allows for many releases to have support for a long time > minuses: every release supported will require more engineering support and > time into doing it. The number of current coding volunteers is small. I volunteer and know 2 other guys who could help (we were actually planning of doing something like this before we realized fedora legacy was there). Each of us need this for maintaining numerous decentralized deployments of Red Hat Linux, where frequent upgrades or migrations are out of question (noone would pay for them), and all of us have practical experience building own rpm packages, and have our own machines to test it. I wouldn't worry about developer availability, but as one of the previous posters mentioned, about RH not being happy with this competing with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Where do I apply, is some formal application necessary? Bye, Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <shurdeek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023 -- It's not a bug, it's tradition!