On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 10:54:19PM -0600, Bob Tanner wrote: > How about a cvs tree to start putting stuff? > > How about a policy on how the cvs tree will be maintained, ie rh73 branch, > rh80 branch, rh9 branch or 1 .spec with %ifdef's to build them all? > > Taking a queue from the debian people, what's are social contract? I've actually been wondering how are we going to handle the digital signatures, or better said, how are we going to establish the trust since probably most of the "erratas" will be security ones. I think that has has to be the first step (or among the first). I also wonder what will be the "end of life" policy. This might have been discussed before, I think I read somewhere 1 year after Fedora, but I'm not sure (I think that is reasonable). I'm new to the list and discussion, but I'm ready to help. Bring it on. Carlos