> after reading Warrens drafts and the answers I'm getting the impressions > that this projects start way to complicated. Let us just follow the KISS > principle (keep it simple stupid). As Fedora-Legacy only exists to > handle security updates and is not intended to introduce new features to > EOLed distributions we should really focus on the essentials. For me > this means NO rpm upgrades. Just use the infrastructure and tools that > Red Hat gave us with their distributions. I'm thinking a good way for people to accomplish things is just to do them. If you find a security problem or notice one and produce a patched or new and working package put it up somewhere. Tell people on this list, just do the work. If you notice a problem that needs to be patched then post a link to it here, etc. just do the work, try to help out. The proposals and policies and systems be damned. I'll just be patching things and seeing about providing fixed rpms whenever I can. oh and if anyone wonders why you should trust any package I put together I think my answer is: a lot of you are using code I wrote to update your systems, so you're already trusting me :) -sv