But seriously: Would you consider debian as a server OS? Last time I looked the debian project did not offer SLAs or anything similar. Come to think of it, I know of exactly three companies which do have SLAs for their servers running RedHat Linux. (two of them are constantly bitching about their satellite up2date server...)
So if there is no conscoius decision to make fedora a consumer OS without any security features and a a desktop centric view I do not see why this is no server OS?
Some would consider Debian's "slow rate of change" as enabling the potential for Service Level Agreements for any number of service providers who wish to render that service. It is admittedly more difficult to be able to service multiple versions of Fedora Core that are released every 6-ish months, but certainly doable since the server side stuff does not change *that* much. That would be a business decision of the provider to make.