[OS-BUILD PATCHv10] Add new os-build targets: rt-devel and automotive-devel

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From: Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>

Add new os-build targets: rt-devel and automotive-devel

This is an attempt to automate the rt and automotive devel branches
using the upstream linux-rt-devel tree as the base combined with

The overall process isn't too complicated but there are enough steps to
make it compilicated.

* map upstream linux-rt-devel to master-rt branch
* update os-build
* grab linux version from master-rt and os-build
* if version the same then merge os-build and master-rt to
* else merge tag kernel-N.V.0-0 and master-rt to os-build-rt-automated until
  master-rt is update to os-build
* merge os-build-rt-automated into os-build-rt-devel
* merge os-build-rt-automated into os-build-automotive-devel
* run the generate pending-rhel config scripts on rt-devel and

The script has beginning logic to handle rebasing if necessary when the
rt-devel branch transitions from os-build-stable (linux-stable) to linux
master again.

NOTE: The script uses kernel-N.V.0-0 which is rebased after os-build
linux-x.y GA is created but before linux-x.y+1 pre-rc1 merges happen.
The reason for this is because linux-stable-x.y doesn't exist until
linux-x.y+1-rc1 exists thus leaving linux-stable-x.y-1 in the meantime.
An awkward gap exists, use kernel-N.V.0-0 as the base.

The script has no effect on the day-to-day operations of os-build.  They
are designed to be run from a gitlab cron job and update in the
background.  Once they are deemed stable, adding ARK MRs that target
either os-build-rt-devel or os-build-automotive-devel will be possible
and those branches can start proper parallel developement with os-build.

Cleanup namespace pollution because shellcheck doesn't like 'local'.

Signed-off-by: Don Zickus <dzickus@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff --git a/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-ci-env.sh b/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-ci-env.sh
index blahblah..blahblah 100644
--- a/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-ci-env.sh
+++ b/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-ci-env.sh
@@ -8,24 +8,188 @@ die()
-	if test -n "${TO_PUSH}"; then
-		if test -z "${GITLAB_PROJECT_URL}" || test -z "$GITLAB_PROJECT_PUSHURL"; then
-	                echo "To enable git-push, please run:"
-			echo "git remote add gitlab <url>"
-			echo "git remote set-url --push gitlab <pushurl>"
+	if test -z "${GITLAB_PROJECT_URL}" || test -z "$GITLAB_PROJECT_PUSHURL"; then
+                echo "To enable git-push, please run:"
+		echo "git remote add gitlab <url>"
+		echo "git remote set-url --push gitlab <pushurl>"
+		if test -n "${TO_PUSH}"; then
 			die "Misconfigured 'gitlab' entry for git"
         git diff-index --quiet HEAD || die "Dirty tree, please clean before merging."
+# wrapper around branches that may not be exist yet
+	_target_branch="$1"
+	_source_branch="$2"
+	# switch to branch if it exists otherwise create and set to source
+	# branch
+	git show-ref -q --heads "$_target_branch" || \
+		git branch "$_target_branch" "$_source_branch"
+# GitLab can only mirror one project at a time.  This wrapper function does
+# the mirroring for any other branches.
+	target_branch="$1"
+	upstream_tree="$2"
+	source_branch="$3"
+	reset_branch="$4"
+	prev_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+	remote_branch="$upstream_tree/$source_branch"
+	ark_git_branch "$target_branch" "$remote_branch"
+	git checkout "$target_branch"
+	git fetch "$upstream_tree" "$source_branch"
+	if test -z "$reset_branch"; then
+		git merge "$remote_branch" || die "git merge $remote_branch failed"
+	else
+		git reset --hard "$remote_branch" || die "git reset $remote_branch failed"
+	fi
+	git checkout "$prev_branch"
+# Merge wrapper in case issues arise
+	source_branch="$1"
+	target_branch="$2"
+	reset_branch="$3"
+	prev_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+	ark_git_branch "$target_branch" "$source_branch"
+	git checkout "$target_branch"
+	if test -n "$reset_branch"; then
+		# there are cases when the initial merge is a reset
+		git reset --hard "$source_branch"  || die "git reset $source_branch failed"
+	elif ! git merge -m "Merge '$source_branch' into '$target_branch'" "$source_branch"; then
+		git merge --abort
+		printf "Merge conflict; halting!\n"
+		printf "To reproduce:\n"
+		printf "* git checkout %s\n" "${target_branch}"
+		printf "* git merge %s\n" "${source_branch}"
+		die "Merge conflicts"
+	fi
+	git checkout "$prev_branch"
+	return 0
+	rebase_branch="$1"
+	_upstream="$2"
+	_base="$3"
+	prev_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+	git checkout "${rebase_branch}"
+	if ! git rebase --onto "$_base" "$_upstream"; then
+		git rebase --abort
+		printf "Rebase conflict; halting!\n"
+		printf "To reproduce:\n"
+		printf "* git checkout %s\n" "${rebase_branch}"
+		printf "* git rebase --onto %s %s\n" "${_base}" "${_upstream}"
+		die "Rebase conflicts"
+	fi
+	git checkout "$prev_branch"
+	return 0
+	config_branch="$1"
+	skip_configs="$2"
+	prev_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+	git checkout "${config_branch}"
+	# Generates and commits all the pending configs
+	make -j FLAVOR=fedora dist-configs-commit
+	# Skip executing gen_config_patches.sh for new Fedora configs
+	old_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+	make -j FLAVOR=rhel dist-configs-commit
+	new_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+	# Converts each new pending config from above into its finalized git
+	# configs/<date>/<config> config_branch.  These commits are used for Merge
+	# Requests.
+	[ "$old_head" != "$new_head" ] && CONFIGS_ADDED="1" || CONFIGS_ADDED=""
+	if test "$CONFIGS_ADDED"; then
+		if test -z "$skip_configs"; then
+			git checkout "$prev_branch"
+			./redhat/scripts/genspec/gen_config_patches.sh "$config_branch"
+		fi
+	else
+		printf "No new configuration values exposed from "
+		printf "merging %s into $BRANCH\n" "$UPSTREAM_REF"
+	fi
+	git checkout "$prev_branch"
+	test -z "$CONFIGS_ADDED" && return 0 || return 1
+	push_branch="$1"
+	skip_configs="$2"
+	prev_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+	git checkout "${push_branch}"
+	TMPFILE=".push-warnings"
+	touch "$TMPFILE"
+	test "$TO_PUSH" && PUSH_VERB="Pushing" || PUSH_VERB="To push"
+	PUSH_STR="branch ${push_branch} to ${GITLAB_URL}"
+	PUSH_CMD="git push gitlab ${push_branch}"
+	PUSH_CONFIG_STR="config update branches"
+	PUSH_CONFIG_CMD="for conf_branch in \$(git branch | grep configs/${push_branch}/\"\$(date +%F)\"); do
+				git push \\
+				-o merge_request.create \\
+				-o merge_request.target=\"$push_branch\" \\
+				-o merge_request.remove_source_branch \\
+				gitlab \"\$conf_branch\" 2>&1 | tee -a $TMPFILE
+				done
+			 "
+	#Push push_branch
+	echo "# $PUSH_VERB $PUSH_STR"
+	echo "$PUSH_CMD"
+	test "$TO_PUSH" && eval "$PUSH_CMD"
+	#Push config branches if created
+	if test -z "$skip_configs"; then
+		echo
+		echo "$PUSH_CONFIG_CMD"
+		test "$TO_PUSH" && eval "$PUSH_CONFIG_CMD"
+	fi
+	# GitLab server side warnings do not fail git-push but leave verbose
+	# WARNING messages.  Grep for those and consider it a script
+	# failure.  Make sure all push_branches are pushed first as follow up
+	# git-pushes may succeed.
+	grep -q "remote:[ ]* WARNINGS" "$TMPFILE" && die "Server side warnings"
+	rm "$TMPFILE"
+	git checkout "$prev_branch"
+	return 0
 # Common variables for all CI scripts
-GITLAB_PROJECT_URL="$(git remote get-url gitlab 2>/dev/null)"
-GITLAB_PROJECT_PUSHURL="$(git config --get remote.gitlab.pushurl 2>/dev/null)"
+GITLAB_PROJECT_URL="$(git remote get-url gitlab 2>/dev/null)" || true
+GITLAB_PROJECT_PUSHURL="$(git config --get remote.gitlab.pushurl 2>/dev/null)" || true
diff --git a/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-merge-rt.sh b/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-merge-rt.sh
new file mode 100755
index blahblah..blahblah 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redhat/scripts/ci/ark-merge-rt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# This script is intended to sync up the RT and automotive branch (derivative
+# of RT).  It adds the extra twist of detecting the right upstream rt branch
+# to sync with depending on the existance of the next branch.  Sometimes the
+# rt-devel branch waits until -rc1/2 to create new branches.
+# Finally the code handles the rebases in those cases where newer branches
+# are available.
+# Why the complexity?
+# Development branches will need to be periodically rebased unfortunately.
+# Using 'git rebase --onto <new head> <old_head>' only works with one common
+# branch to rebase from not two.  Meanwhile, the -devel branches are formed
+# from two upstream branches, os-build and linux-rt-devel.  The idea is
+# to merge the two branches into a single throwaway branch that can be
+# recreated from scratch anytime then use that as the base for -devel.
+set -e
+# source common CI functions and variables
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+. "$(dirname "$0")"/ark-ci-env.sh
+#Upstream RT tree git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/rt/linux-rt-devel.git
+# verify git remote rt is setup
+if ! git remote get-url "$UPSTREAM_RT_TREE_NAME" 2>/dev/null; then
+	die "Please 'git remote add linux-rt-devel $UPSTREAM_RT_TREE_URL'"
+# grab the os-build base branches
+ark_git_mirror "os-build" "origin" "os-build"
+ark_git_mirror "master" "origin" "master"
+# make sure tags are available for git-describe to correctly work
+git fetch -t origin
+# upstream -rt devel branches are aligned with version numbers and are not
+# always up to date with master.  Figure out which branch to mirror based on
+# version number and existance.  We may have to trigger a rebase.
+# what are the current versions of rt-devel and os-build (use 'master' to
+# avoid fedora tagging of kernel-X.Y.0.0.....)
+# use git tags which are always 'vX.Y-rcZ-aaa-gbbbbb' or 'vX.Y-aaa-gbbbbb'
+# where X.Y is the version number that maps to linux-rt's branch of
+# 'linux-X.Y.y'
+	branch=$1
+	upstream="master"
+	# Thanks to pre-rc1 merging, we have a 2 week window with an
+	# incorrect version number.  Detect and correct.
+	mergebase="$(git merge-base "$branch" "$upstream")"
+	raw_version="$(git describe "$mergebase")"
+	version="$(git show "$branch":Makefile | sed -ne '/^VERSION\ =\ /{s///;p;q}')"
+	patchlevel="$(git show "$branch":Makefile | sed -ne '/^PATCHLEVEL\ =\ /{s///;p;q}')"
+	kver="${version}.${patchlevel}"
+	#-rc indicates no tricks necessary, return version
+	if echo "${raw_version}" | grep -q -- "-rc"; then
+		echo "$kver"
+		return
+	fi
+	#if -gXXX is _not_ there, must be a GA release, use version
+	if ! echo "${raw_version}" | grep -q -- "-g"; then
+		echo "$kver"
+		return
+	fi
+	#must be a post tag release with -g but not -rcX, IOW an rc0.
+	#Add a 1 to the version number
+	echo "${version}.$((patchlevel + 1))"
+# To handle missing branches, precalculate previous kernel versions to fetch
+	version_str=$1
+	version="$(echo "$version_str" | cut -c1)"
+	patchlevel="$(echo "$version_str" | cut -c3)"
+	echo "${version}.$((patchlevel - 1))"
+OS_BUILD_VER="$(get_upstream_version os-build)"
+OS_BUILD_VER_prev="$(get_prev_version "$OS_BUILD_VER")"
+# check latest upstream RT branch
+if git fetch -q "$UPSTREAM_RT_TREE_NAME" "linux-${OS_BUILD_VER}.y-rt"; then
+elif git fetch -q "$UPSTREAM_RT_TREE_NAME" "linux-${OS_BUILD_VER_prev}.y-rt"; then
+	die "Neither version ($OS_BUILD_VER, $OS_BUILD_VER_prev) in upstream tree: $UPSTREAM_RT_TREE_NAME"
+# verify the core branches exist or use provided defaults
+MASTER_RT_DEVEL_VER="$(get_upstream_version "$DOWNSTREAM_RT_BRANCH")"
+RT_AUTOMATED_VER="$(get_upstream_version $RT_AUTOMATED_BRANCH)"
+RT_DEVEL_VER="$(get_upstream_version $RT_DEVEL_BRANCH)"
+if test "$UPSTREAM_RT_DEVEL_VER" != "$OS_BUILD_VER"; then
+	# no newer upstream branch to rebase onto, continue with an
+	# os-build stable tag
+# sanity check, sometimes broken scripts leave a mess
+	# rebase time
+	RT_REBASE="yes"
+## PREP the upstream branches
+# on a rebase, propogate all the git resets
+# fetch the determined rt-devel branch
+# finally merge the two correct branches
+## MERGE the upstream branches to the development branches
+if test -n "$RT_REBASE"; then
+	# handle the rebase
+	# rebases usually go from prev version to new version
+	# rebuild the prev merge base in case the previous automated one is
+	# corrupted.
+	prev_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+	temp_branch="_temp_rt_devel_$(date +%F)"
+	git branch -D "$temp_branch" 2>/dev/null
+	git checkout -b "$temp_branch" "kernel-${OS_BUILD_VER_prev}.0-0"
+	git merge "$UPSTREAM_RT_TREE_NAME/linux-${OS_BUILD_VER_prev}.y-rt"
+	git checkout "$prev_branch"
+	ark_git_rebase "$RT_DEVEL_BRANCH" "$temp_branch" "$RT_AUTOMATED_BRANCH"
+	ark_git_rebase "$AUTOMOTIVE_DEVEL_BRANCH" "$temp_branch" "$RT_AUTOMATED_BRANCH"
+	git branch -D "$temp_branch"
+## Build -rt-devel branch, generate pending-rhel configs
+# don't care if configs were added or not hence '|| true'
+ark_update_configs "$RT_DEVEL_BRANCH" || true
+# skip pushing config update MRs, keep them in pending-rhel
+ark_push_changes "$RT_DEVEL_BRANCH" "skip"
+## Build -automotive-devel branch, generate pending-rhel configs
+# don't care if configs were added or not hence '|| true'
+ark_update_configs "$AUTOMOTIVE_DEVEL_BRANCH" || true
+# skip pushing config update MRs, keep them in pending-rhel
+ark_push_changes "$AUTOMOTIVE_DEVEL_BRANCH" "skip"

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