Re: [OS-BUILD PATCH] Introduce a Sphinx documentation project

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On Thu, May 07, 2020 at 07:34:13PM -0000, GitLab Bridge on behalf of jeremycline wrote:
> From: Jeremy Cline <jcline@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Although the GitLab wiki is pretty nice for getting started, it doesn't
> offer a great way for folks to contribute or provide reviews for
> changes. Convert the current Wiki to RST and build it with Sphinx. This
> should be nearly identical to the content of the wiki with the exception
> of a new section on contributing to the documentation.
> When this is accepted, a new CI job can be added to automatically lint,
> build, and host the Sphinx documentation on GitLab pages[0].
> [0]
> Signed-off-by: Jeremy Cline <jcline@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  redhat/docs/.gitignore                   |   1 +
>  redhat/docs/Makefile                     |  20 ++
>  redhat/docs/                      |  47 +++++
>  redhat/docs/index.rst                    | 110 +++++++++++
>  redhat/docs/maintaining.rst              | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++
>  redhat/docs/repository-layout.rst        | 171 +++++++++++++++++
>  redhat/docs/submitting-contributions.rst | 235 +++++++++++++++++++++++
>  7 files changed, 813 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/.gitignore
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/Makefile
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/index.rst
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/maintaining.rst
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/repository-layout.rst
>  create mode 100644 redhat/docs/submitting-contributions.rst
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/.gitignore b/redhat/docs/.gitignore
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..69fa449dd96e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/.gitignore
> @@ -0,0 +1 @@
> +_build/
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/Makefile b/redhat/docs/Makefile
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..d4bb2cbb9edd
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/Makefile
> @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
> +# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
> +#
> +
> +# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
> +# from the environment for the first two.
> +SPHINXBUILD   ?= sphinx-build
> +SOURCEDIR     = .
> +BUILDDIR      = _build
> +
> +# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
> +help:
> +
> +.PHONY: help Makefile
> +
> +# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
> +# "make mode" option.  $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
> +%: Makefile
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/ b/redhat/docs/
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..b5e60902cd65
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/
> @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
> +# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
> +#
> +# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
> +# list see the documentation:
> +#
> +
> +
> +# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
> +
> +project = "Fedora/ARK Kernel"
> +copyright = "2020, Red Hat, Inc"
> +author = "Red Hat, Fedora Community"
> +
> +
> +# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
> +
> +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
> +# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
> +# ones.
> +extensions = []
> +
> +# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
> +templates_path = ["_templates"]
> +
> +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
> +# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
> +# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
> +exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store"]
> +
> +
> +# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
> +
> +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
> +# a list of builtin themes.
> +#
> +html_theme = "alabaster"
> +
> +html_theme_options = {
> +    "page_width": "1100px",
> +    "show_related": True,
> +    "sidebar_collapse": True,
> +}
> +
> +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
> +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
> +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
> +html_static_path = ["_static"]
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/index.rst b/redhat/docs/index.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..7d13aec5940f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/index.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
> +.. Fedora Kernel and ARK Documentation documentation master file, created by
> +   sphinx-quickstart on Thu May  7 14:44:56 2020.
> +   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
> +   contain the root `toctree` directive.
> +
> +=================
> +Fedora/ARK Kernel
> +=================
> +
> +This documentation covers setting up a development environment, the repository
> +layout, and the general contribution workflow.
> +
> +.. _quick-start:
> +
> +Quick Start
> +===========
> +
> +Setup
> +-----
> +
> +To start with you need to:
> +
> +1. Make a `GitLab account`_ if you do not already have one.
> +2. `Fork the ARK tree`_. Wait patiently for this to complete.
> +3. Setup `Koji`_ and `Mock`_ if necessary.
> +
> +Once GitLab finishes forking the repository (this can take a while):
> +
> +::
> +
> +   # Cloning with these URLs requires that you have an SSH key registered with GitLab
> +   # If you've not yet set up keys, you can clone with with:
> +   # git clone<your gitlab name>/kernel-ark.git && cd kernel-ark
> +   # git remote add -f upstream
> +   git clone git@xxxxxxxxxx:<your gitlab name>/kernel-ark.git && cd kernel-ark
> +   git remote add -f upstream git@xxxxxxxxxx:cki-project/kernel-ark.git
> +
> +   # Install build dependencies
> +   sudo dnf install -y make gcc flex bison bzip2 rpm-build
> +   git checkout upstream/ark-latest
> +   # If you're on Fedora, you need to run:
> +   # ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/libexec/platform-python
> +   make rh-srpm
> +   sudo dnf builddep -y redhat/rpm/SPECS/kernel.spec
> +
> +
> +Building an SRPM
> +----------------
> +
> +The configuration and build scripts are in the ``os-build`` branch and
> +are regularly updated to work with Linus's master branch. To build an
> +SRPM, start by checking out the source tree you'd like to build. In this
> +example, we'll assume that is Linus's master branch, but it could just
> +as easily be Fedora's ``ark-patches`` branch (Linus's tree + Fedora
> +patches) , a sub-system maintainer's tree, or your own creation.
> +
> +::
> +
> +   git checkout linus/master
> +   git merge -m "Merge branch 'os-build'"  os-build
> +   # Fedora carries a patch to alter this setting, so we need to change the configuration to build a vanilla tree.
> +   sed -i 's/=13/=11/g' redhat/configs/fedora/generic/arm/aarch64/CONFIG_FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER
> +   # If you're targeting RHEL and have brew/rhpkg installed, use "make DIST=.elrdy rh-srpm" instead
> +   make rh-srpm
> +
> +You can now build the SRPM however you like:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   # Build the SRPM locally
> +   mock redhat/rpm/SRPMS/kernel*src.rpm
> +   # Build the SRPM in Fedora's Koji
> +   koji build --scratch rawhide redhat/rpm/SRPMS/kernel*src.rpm
> +
> +Want to add a patch? Just git-cherry-pick it or apply it with git-am and
> +re-run ``make rh-srpm``. Change configurations in ``redhat/configs/``
> +(consult the repository layout for details on this).
> +
> +
> +Contributor Guide
> +=================
> +
> +.. toctree::
> +   :maxdepth: 2
> +
> +   repository-layout
> +   submitting-contributions
> +
> +
> +Maintainer Guide
> +================
> +
> +.. toctree::
> +   :maxdepth: 2
> +
> +   maintaining
> +
> +
> +.. _GitLab account:
> +.. _Fork the ARK tree:
> +.. _Koji:
> +.. _Mock:
> +
> +
> +Indices and tables
> +==================
> +
> +* :ref:`genindex`
> +* :ref:`modindex`
> +* :ref:`search`
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/maintaining.rst b/redhat/docs/maintaining.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..3cfd8b6d2904
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/maintaining.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
> +===========
> +Maintenance
> +===========
> +
> +This guide covers common maintenance tasks and is primarily aimed at
> +kernel maintainers. It assumes you have write access to
> +` <>`__
> +and the remote in your clone is called "upstream", as set up in the
> +quick start guide.
> +
> +The repository is used for both the Fedora kernel and the RHEL Always
> +Ready kernel (ARK). Thus, it contains two sets of configurations.
> +
> +Every release requires the maintainer to:
> +
> +1. Rebase the downstream kernel patches
> +2. Update the configuration
> +3. Create a release branch and/or tag
> +
> +Once that is done, the result can be imported into a dist-git repository
> +and built in Koji.
> +
> +There is a script to automate the entire process which is run nightly by
> +CI/CD. You can run it locally:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   # Ensure we've got a clean check out for all the branches we're about to use
> +   git checkout master && git pull
> +   git checkout ark-patches && git reset --hard upstream/ark-patches
> +   git checkout internal && git pull
> +
> +   # Create a release based on "master", which tracks mainline
> +   ./redhat/scripts/ci/ master
> +
> +The individual steps taken are described below for the curious.
> +
> +Rebasing Kernel Patches
> +-----------------------
> +
> +The downstream kernel patches are in a branch called ``ark-patches``.
> +This branch is regularly rebased onto Linus's master branch.
> +
> +The rebase consists of the following steps:
> +
> +1. Ensure your checkout is in a clean state:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   git checkout master
> +   git reset --hard upstream/master
> +   git checkout ark-patches
> +   git reset --hard upstream/ark-patches
> +   git checkout os-build
> +   git reset --hard upstream/os-build
> +
> +2. Rebase the kernel patches onto master:
> +   ``./redhat/scripts/ci/ "master"``. If you'd like
> +   for the script to drop patches that conflict and file issues on the
> +   GitLab issue tracker, ensure the "REPORT_BUGS" environment variable
> +   is set to something other than an empty string.
> +
> +3. If rebasing onto a tag, the script will create a branch for this
> +   revision of the kernel patches. This is useful when comparing the
> +   state of the patches between versions. Push this to the remote
> +   repository with ``git push upstream ark/patches/<tag>``.
> +
> +4. If the patches required conflict resolution, update the remote with
> +   ``git push -f upstream ark-patches``. If they didn't, there's no need
> +   to update the branch as force pushing it breaks existing merge
> +   requests against it.
> +
> +Common Problems
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +There are a few issues that can occur during the patch rebase.
> +
> +Patch Cannot Be Applied
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +Patches regularly fail to apply because upstream changed some code being
> +patched. When this occurs, if the fix is trivial, you can simply fix up
> +the patch during the ``git-rebase``. Otherwise, file an issue to fix the
> +patch and skip it during the rebase.
> +
> +Once a dropped patch has a fix, submit a merge request to
> +``ark-patches`` with the fixed-up patch. If you aren't confident you can
> +fix it yourself, try contacting the original author and ask them to fix
> +their patch.
> +
> +Patch Applies But Is Broken
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +This problem occurs less frequently, but is also less straightforward to
> +detect and fix. A patch might cleanly apply, but an interface it uses
> +has changed in some way (e.g. a function got renamed). Ideally the
> +change causes the build to fail.
> +
> +Assuming you know how to fix the problem, use the following approach:
> +
> +1. Start a branch based of the latest ``ark-patches`` branch and fix the
> +   problem as you see fit.
> +2. Commit the change, including a
> +   ``Fixes: <short sha of commit in ark-patches it fixes>`` tag in the
> +   commit, along with references to the upstream commit that introduced
> +   the breaking change and any other details you see fit. If you
> +   reference a commit that is not upstream (that is, any patch in
> +   ark-patches) be sure to add a [x] reference and link to the commit so
> +   email users can see the commit in question easily during review.
> +3. Submit a merge request against ``ark-patches``
> +4. Once reviewed, merge the merge request. When rebasing
> +   ``ark-patches``, squash the fix into the commit it fixes so that the
> +   patches in ``ark-patches`` continue to be self-contained.
> +
> +An example of this is
> +` <>`__.
> +
> +Configuration
> +-------------
> +
> +Once the patches are rebased, update the configuration branch:
> +
> +1. Set defaults for any new configuration files:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   git checkout os-build
> +   ./redhat/scripts/ci/ "master"
> +
> +2. Open a merge request for each branch created in step 1 (if any):
> +
> +::
> +
> +   git checkout os-build
> +   if git branch | grep configs/"$(date +%F)"; then
> +       git push upstream os-build
> +       for branch in $(git branch | grep configs/"$(date +%F)"); do
> +           git push -o merge_request.create -o -o merge_request.remove_source_branch upstream "$branch"
> +       done
> +   fi
> +
> +Release branch
> +--------------
> +
> +Once the kernel patches and configuration have been updated for the new
> +release, it's time to create the release branch and/or tag. If this is a
> +snapshot build (i.e. master does not point to a tag), we only create a
> +tag.
> +
> +Snapshot Release
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +::
> +
> +   git checkout -b build-branch ark-patches
> +   git merge -m "Merge configuration and build scripts" os-build
> +   # If there's a temporary fix you want in just this build, you can run git-cherry-pick here.
> +   touch localversion
> +   make rh-release
> +   make rh-release-tag
> +   git push upstream $(git describe)
> +   git branch -D build-branch
> +
> +Upstream Release
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +::
> +
> +   UPSTREAM_REF=<tag>
> +   git checkout -b ark/"$UPSTREAM_REF" ark/patches/"$UPSTREAM_REF"
> +   git merge -m "Merge configuration and build scripts" os-build
> +   touch localversion
> +   make rh-release
> +   make rh-release-tag
> +   git push $(git describe) ark/"$UPSTREAM_REF" ark/patches/"$UPSTREAM_REF"
> +   git checkout ark-latest && git reset --hard ark/"$UPSTREAM_REF" && git push -f upstream ark-latest
> +
> +Building
> +--------
> +
> +After a release branch has been prepared, it's time to build it. This
> +guide assumes you have Koji and/or Brew installed and properly
> +configured. It also assumes you've authenticated and have permissions to
> +build.
> +
> +Fedora
> +~~~~~~
> +
> +This requires having fedpkg installed.
> +
> +From the release branch/tag, run:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   # Checks out the Fedora dist-git repository and copies everything from the source tree into it
> +   #
> +   # By default, this creates a directory in /tmp, but the location can be set with RHDISTGIT_TMP.
> +   # If you already have a local clone of the Fedora dist-git repository, it can be used with RHDISTGIT_CACHE=<path-to-repo>.
> +   #
> +   # localversion sets the buildid, releases should have an empty build id
> +   rm localversion
> +   touch localversion
> +   make rh-dist-git
> +
> +   cd /tmp/RHEL*/kernel
> +   git commit -a -s -F ../changelog
> +   fedpkg push
> +   fedpkg build
> +
> +ARK
> +~~~
> +
> +This requires having rhpkg-sha512 installed and brew.
> +
> +From the release branch/tag, run:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   # localversion sets the buildid, releases should have an empty build id
> +   rm localversion
> +   touch localversion
> +   make DIST=.elrdy rh-dist-git
> +   cd /tmp/RHEL-8*/kernel
> +   git commit -a -s -F ../changelog
> +   git push
> +   rhpkg tag -F ../changelog
> +   git push origin $(git describe)
> +   rhpkg build --target temp-ark-rhel-8-test --skip-nvr-check
> +
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/repository-layout.rst b/redhat/docs/repository-layout.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..d9a0e110168c
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/repository-layout.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
> +.. _repository-layout:
> +
> +=================
> +Repository Layout
> +=================
> +
> +The repository is based on the upstream Linux kernel tree. All branches
> +except master, though, are downstream-only.
> +
> +Branches
> +--------
> +
> +master
> +~~~~~~
> +
> +The master branch tracks `Linus's master
> +branch <git://>`__
> +(i.e. "mainline").
> +
> +os-build
> +~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The os-build branch is used for the kernel configuration and build
> +scripts. When new configuration options are needed or the build
> +requirements change, this is the branch to send merge requests to. When
> +a new release is made, this branch is merged into the release branch.
> +Configuration and build scripts can be found in the ``redhat/``
> +directory. Refer to the Configuration section below for more details.
> +
> +ark-latest
> +~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +This branch points to the latest release branch. **This is not a
> +development branch, do not base merge requests off this branch.**
> +
> +ark-patches
> +~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +**This branch is regularly rebased; do not rely on commit hashes in this
> +branch unless they are contained by a tag or release branch!**
> +
> +This branch tracks the latest version of the kernel patches for ARK and
> +Fedora. Patches for a particular release are available via the
> +``ark/patches/vX.Y[-rcN]`` branches.
> +
> +Release branches
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +Each time the kernel is rebased, a set of branches is created to track
> +that release.
> +
> +.. _arkpatchesvxy-rcn:
> +
> +ark/patches/vX.Y[-rcN]
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +Branches in this format (e.g. ``ark/patches/v5.4-rc1`` or
> +``ark/patches/v5.3``) contain the kernel patches ARK carries for that
> +particular kernel release. These are merged into the ``ark/vX.Y``
> +release branches.
> +
> +.. _arkvxy-rcn:
> +
> +ark/vX.Y[-rcN]
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +Branches in this format (e.g. ``ark/v5.4-rc1`` or ``ark/v5.3``) contain
> +the set of patches that were added on top of the upstream kernel release
> +along with the configuration and build scripts. They can be checked out
> +and built into RPMs. The ``master`` branch points to the latest version
> +of these branches.
> +
> +rhpatches
> +~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +This branch is no longer used. Previously, it held the Red Hat patches
> +for the kernel as a quilt series and remains for historical reasons.
> +Patch history up to v5.4 is available in this branch.
> +
> +Tags
> +----
> +
> +.. _vxy-rcn:
> +
> +vX.Y[-rcN]
> +~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +Tags in this format (e.g. ``v5.4-rc1`` or ``v5.3``) are the upstream
> +Linux kernel tags from Linus's tree.
> +
> +.. _kernel-xyz-ndist-and-kernel-xyz-0rcnyyyymmddgitshort-hashdist:
> +
> +kernel-X.Y.Z-N.<dist> and kernel-X.Y.Z-0.rcN.YYYYMMDDgit<short-hash>.<dist>
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +Tags in this format (e.g. ``kernel-5.4.0-1.elrdy``,
> +``kernel-5.6.0-1.fc33``, or
> +``kernel-5.6.0-0.rc5.20200314gitabcd1234.fc33``) map to the RPM
> +name-version-release tuple in the build system. These can be used to
> +check out the source tree used to build that RPM. Tags with the
> +``elrdy`` dist are Always Ready kernel releases and tags with the
> +``fcNN`` dist are Fedora kernels.
> +
> +The tags come in two varieties. The first is kernel builds based off an
> +upstream tag. ``kernel-5.4.0-1.elrdy`` and ``kernel-5.6.0-0.rc6.fc33``
> +fall into this category. The second variety, which includes a date and
> +commit hash, is based off a snapshot of Linus's master branch for that
> +particular day. The git commit hash included in the release is the
> +commit in Linus's tree the build is based on, *not* the commit in the
> +Fedora source tree.
> +
> +Configuration
> +-------------
> +
> +The configuration layout is somewhat complicated. All configuration is
> +located on the ``os-build`` branch in ``redhat/configs/``. Inside this
> +directory there are a number of scripts used to automatically generate
> +complete configurations, along with a number of directories that contain
> +configuration snippets. At this time, there are three main configuration
> +directories: ``ark``, ``common``, and ``fedora``. ``ark`` and ``fedora``
> +are configuration "flavors", while ``common`` is shared configuration
> +across flavors.
> +
> +A flavor is defined by:
> +
> +1. Adding the flavor name to ``redhat/configs/flavors`` on its own line.
> +2. Create a directory using your flavor name in ``redhat/configs/`` that
> +   matches the layout of other flavors.
> +3. Defining a configuration priority by creating a file called
> +   ``redhat/configs/priority.$flavorname``. This file needs to define a
> +   number of bash variables that describe the priority of the various
> +   configuration directories and should include the directory you
> +   defined in step 2.
> +
> +common and common-pending
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The ``common`` directory contains configuration values that are shared
> +across all configuration "flavors". For a configuration to be in
> +``common``, it MUST be reviewed and approved by one or more Red Hat
> +subsystem maintainers since it affects ARK. A flavor's configurations
> +can override settings in ``common``, so it's not guaranteed settings in
> +common are the same across all flavors. It's simply a good place to set
> +common values across the flavors and use as a base for new flavors.
> +
> +``common-pending`` is where configuration options that have not been
> +reviewed are placed. Automation creates snippets for all new
> +configuration options exposed during a rebase of ARK in the
> +``pending-common`` directory, at which point subsystem maintainers
> +review the options and set them as appropriate before moving them into
> +``common``.
> +
> +New ARK configurations are placed in ``common-pending`` because it is
> +assumed that ARK generally has the most conservative settings, whereas
> +other flavors like Fedora will be (for the most part) a superset of the
> +ARK configuration.
> +
> +fedora and fedora-pending
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +The ``fedora`` directory contains settings that have been reviewed by
> +Fedora kernel maintainers for the Fedora Rawhide kernel.
> +
> +Since Fedora tends to turn on more things than ARK, it's common for a
> +rebase to expose new configuration options that only apply to Fedora.
> +For this reason, Fedora has a ``pending-fedora`` directory as well.
> +``pending-fedora`` contains settings that are not exposed by the
> +``common`` configuration set and only apply to Fedora. It is, like
> +``pending-common``, populated automatically during a rebase. A Fedora
> +kernel maintain can review the settings at their leisure and move them
> +over to ``fedora`` as they do so.
> diff --git a/redhat/docs/submitting-contributions.rst b/redhat/docs/submitting-contributions.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..cde7c454b7a2
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/redhat/docs/submitting-contributions.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
> +========================
> +Submitting Contributions
> +========================
> +
> +Thanks for considering contributing to the Fedora and Always Ready
> +kernels, we really appreciate it! Before you get started, please
> +familiarize yourself with the general `Fedora kernel
> +policies <>`__.
> +
> +These guides assume you've completed the :ref:`quick-start` guide
> +and are familiar with the :ref:`repository-layout`.
> +
> +There are two major types of contributions ARK accepts. The first is
> +kernel configuration options and build scripts, both of which live in
> +the ``os-build`` branch. The second are patches to the kernel itself,
> +which are in the ``ark-patches`` branch.
> +
> +Documentation
> +=============
> +
> +Contributions to the documentation are always welcome. This documentation is
> +written with `Sphinx <>`_. Your distribution should
> +provide a Sphinx package, or you can set up an environment and build the
> +documentation as HTML with::
> +
> +    python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/ark-docs
> +    source ~/.virtualenvs/ark-docs/bin/activate
> +    pip install Sphinx
> +    cd redhat/docs
> +    make html
> +
> +Your documentation changes should build in Sphinx without warnings and this is
> +enforced by CI. You can check your changes locally with::
> +
> +    make SPHINXOPTS="-W" html
> +
> +Configuration, Build Scripts, and Specfile
> +==========================================
> +
> +Quick start:
> +
> +1. ``git fetch upstream``
> +2. ``git checkout upstream/os-build && git checkout -b my-build-change``
> +3. Make a change to a file or files in ``redhat/``.
> +4. Add your changes with ``git add -A``.
> +5. Commit your changes and write a nice commit message that explains the
> +   change: ``git commit -s``.
> +6. Open a merge request. You can do so via the web UI, or directly from
> +   a git push with
> +   ``git push -o merge_request.create -u <your-remote> my-build-change``
> +   (defaults to target branch ``os-build``). Refer to the `push
> +   options <>`__
> +   documentation for more details.
> +
> +Configuration Changes
> +---------------------
> +
> +Each configuration option for the kernel is placed in its own file
> +inside the ``redhat/configs/<flavor>/`` directory.
> +
> +Each file must be named after the configuration option it contains.
> +
> +To disable a particular setting, the file must contain
> +``# CONFIG_TOWEL is not set`` rather than ``CONFIG_TOWEL=n`` where
> +CONFIG_TOWEL is replaced with the actual configuration option.
> +
> +The directory is hierarchical by architecture families. The top level is
> +generic configurations that apply across most architectures. Within
> +that, there are directories like ``arm``, ``powerpc``, and ``x86`` where
> +architecture specific configurations are placed. Settings in these
> +architecture-specific directories override any duplicate settings in the
> +more generic directories. Configurations that are specific to a
> +particular architecture should be placed in that architecture's
> +directory rather in the generic directory.
> +
> +Configuration changes in the ``common`` and ``ark`` directories require
> +review from Red Hat kernel developers, where-as the configurations in
> +``fedora`` can be changed with the approval of the Fedora kernel
> +maintainers.
> +
> +Commit messages
> +---------------
> +
> +Each commit you make should contain a detailed description of *why* the
> +change is necessary. For example, if the commit enables or disables a
> +configuration option, explain exactly why the change is necessary. If
> +there is a Bugzilla bug relating to the change, please include a
> +reference to it using the format ``Bugzilla: <url>``. For example:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   Enable CONFIG_TOWEL so kernels never panic
> +
> +   Since the beginning the kernel has panicked. This has made a lot of people very
> +   angry and has widely been regarded as a bad move. This new configuration option
> +   solves all the kernel's problems and now it never panics.
> +
> +   Bugzilla:
> +   Signed-off-by: Jeremy Cline <jcline@xxxxxxxxxx>
> +
> +Kernel Patches
> +==============
> +
> +To add or update a kernel patch carried for ARK, start a new branch
> +based on ``ark-patches``:
> +
> +1. ``git fetch upstream``
> +2. ``git checkout -b my-kernel-patch upstream/ark-patches``
> +3. Add commits any way you'd like (``git am``, ``git cherry-pick -x``,
> +   etc). Patches are not likely to be accepted if they're not already on
> +   their way upstream.
> +4. Open a merge request against ``ark-patches``. You can do so in the
> +   web UI, or directly from a git push command:
> +   ``git push -o merge_request.create -o -u <your-remote> my-kernel-patch``.
> +   Refer to the `push
> +   options <>`__
> +   documentation for more details.
> +
> +.. _commit-messages-1:
> +
> +Commit messages
> +---------------
> +
> +Kernel patches should be submitted upstream prior to being sent for
> +inclusion in Fedora. The commit message for the patch should be the same
> +as upstream, except for the addition of a few tags the message.
> +
> +Upstream Status
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +Each commit should contain an ``Upstream Status`` tag to indicate where
> +the patch can be found. Some examples:
> +
> +A patch that's been sent upstream, but is not yet in a sub-maintainer's
> +tree should link to the email:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   Upstream Status:
> +
> +A patch that's been accepted into an upstream maintainer's tree should
> +reference the tree and should also include the upstream commit in the
> +format used by ``git cherry-pick -x``:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   Upstream Status: netdev/net-next.git
> +   (cherry picked from commit aed145ccb4918b8b6f7855be9dc6067bd48e4124)
> +
> +If the tree isn't hosted on, ``Upstream Status`` should link
> +to it.
> +
> +Finally, a downstream-only patch should be marked:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   Upstream Status: RHEL only
> +
> +Bugzilla
> +~~~~~~~~
> +
> +As with configuration and build script changes, if there is a Bugzilla
> +bug relating to the kernel commit, please include a reference to it
> +using the format ``Bugzilla: <url>``.
> +
> +Changes with Kernel Patches and Configuration
> +=============================================
> +
> +It's common for a kernel patch to introduce a new configuration option.
> +When this occurs, you'll need to open two merge requests:
> +
> +1. A merge request against ``os-build`` with the configuration change.
> +2. A merge request against ``ark-patches`` with the kernel patches.
> +
> +Mark MR 1 as a Merge Request dependency of MR 2. When they've both been
> +reviewed the maintainer will queue them up to merge at the same time.
> +
> +Continuous Integration
> +======================
> +
> +Tests are run on each merge request to ensure it does not introduce
> +regressions. The test definitions are located at
> +` <>`__.
> +Since both main development branches need similar tests, the branches
> +within this repository reference the CI definition there so they only
> +need to be maintained in a single place.
> +
> +Licensing
> +=========
> +
> +Your commit messages must include a Signed-off-by tag with your name and
> +e-mail address, indicating that you agree to the `Developer Certificate
> +of Origin <>`__ version 1.1:
> +
> +::
> +
> +   Developer Certificate of Origin
> +   Version 1.1
> +
> +   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
> +   1 Letterman Drive
> +   Suite D4700
> +   San Francisco, CA, 94129
> +
> +   Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
> +   license document, but changing it is not allowed.
> +
> +
> +   Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
> +
> +   By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
> +
> +   (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
> +       have the right to submit it under the open source license
> +       indicated in the file; or
> +
> +   (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
> +       of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
> +       license and I have the right under that license to submit that
> +       work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
> +       by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
> +       permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
> +       in the file; or
> +
> +   (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
> +       person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
> +       it.
> +
> +   (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
> +       are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
> +       personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
> +       maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
> +       this project or the open source license(s) involved.
> +
> +Use ``git commit -s`` to add the Signed-off-by tag.
> -- 
> 2.26.2

Acked-by: Herton R. Krzesinski <herton@xxxxxxxxxx>

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