Josh, Here's a perl script I cobbled together that checks for references to unknown Kconfig macros. Tested on top of current master. Invoke like this: perl "$" $SOME_DIR/kernel-3.16.fc20/linux-3.17.0-0.rc7.git1.1.fc20.x86_64 (I stopped tracking rawhide long ago.) I'll send a patch generated with the aid of this script shortly. It seems overkill to invoke (something like) this every build. But perhaps the package maintainers can include (something like) it before they push changes into master. The call of "glob("config-*")" is an accident waiting to happen, but I couldn't be bothered to replace it with a call of "git ls-files "config-*"". Have fun! Paul Bolle # By Paul Bolle October 2014. # # Contributed to the public domain by its author. use 5.016; use warnings; use autodie; use File::Find; my @Kconfigs; my $Kconfigre = qr/Kconfig.*/; my $configre = qr/^\s*(menu)?config\s+(?<config>(\w+))$/; my $CONFIG_re = qr/\bCONFIG_(?<CONFIG_>(\w+))/; sub match { push( @Kconfigs, $File::Find::name ) if ($_ =~ $Kconfigre); } sub parse_kconfig { my ($path) = @_; my @ret; open( my $kconfig, "<", $path ); my $slurp = do { local $/ = undef; <$kconfig> }; close( $kconfig ); my @lines = split ( /\n/, $slurp ); foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /$configre/) { push( @ret, $+{config} ); } } @ret; } sub parse_shipped { my ($path) = @_; my @ret; open( my $shipped, "<", $path ); my $slurp = do { local $/ = undef; <$shipped> }; close( $shipped ); my @lines = split ( /\n/, $slurp ); my $i = 1; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /$CONFIG_re/) { push( @ret, [$i, $+{CONFIG_}] ); } $i++; } @ret; } exit main ( @ARGV ); sub main { my %configs; find( \&match, @_ ); foreach my $Kconfig (@Kconfigs) { my (@tmp) = parse_kconfig( $Kconfig ); foreach my $config ( @tmp ) { $configs{ $config }++; } } foreach my $shipped (glob("config-*")) { my (@tmp) = parse_shipped( $shipped ); foreach my $ref ( @tmp ) { say( STDERR "$shipped:$ref->[0]: No Kconfig symbol matches 'CONFIG_$ref->[1]'" ) unless (grep( /$ref->[1]/, keys( %configs ))); } } 0; } _______________________________________________ kernel mailing list kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx