Steve Dickson wrote:
Chuck Ebbert wrote:
Steve Dickson wrote:
Now that devel kernels rpms require the kernel-firmware rpm, it makes
sense to me that one should be able to build both of them at the same
time. So this patch adds the "--with firmware" build option
which will allow kernel-firmware rpms to built with kernel rpms.
This patch also adds the "--without vdso_install" build option
which stop the VDSO binaries from being installed. This cuts
down the overall build time especially when you build over NFS
like I do..
Signed-Off-By: Steve Dickson <steved@xxxxxxxxxx>
With one small change we can still support --without firmware. That way
the default behavior can be overridden in either case. See below...
Sure.. that works... Is there an ETA for these two changes?
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