Re: Konsole sessions

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On 10/12/24 05:27, Gian Piero Puccioni via kde wrote:
after the update to F40 and Wayland  Konsole doesn't restore the logout status anymore.
I have seen that before it saved the status in ~/.config/sessions/konsole_(numbers) and restarted from the more recent.
Is there a command either from inside Konsole or from the command line to do that? Even if the "save to session" at logout wouldn't work the files are easily editable if needed. 


Hi Gian, I'm on F41 and it looks like the issue may be the folder name has changed. In F41 (I'm assuming its the same in F40) the konsole files you have referenced aren't stored in "~/.config/sessions" they are stored in "~/.config/session", with a possible difference (I have never looked at these before) of what you are referencing as (numbers) seems to be a hash value.
Having said this though, looking at the files the most recent one was created/updated on September 30, which would have been when I was on F40, and starting and stopping console doesn't create a new one, but things like running dolphin does create a file in that folder, so maybe the konsole functionality has changed.


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