My system is up-to-date every day. Yesterday, right after logging in and again today, right after logging in, the following pop-up appeared on the screen, before I did anything: A problem that we were not expecting has occurred. Please report this bug with the error description. Details: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: The remote application did not send reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. When this occurs, I am unable to do anything: no right click on the desktop, the task bar is inactive and unresponsive, but I can still use the active screen edges to change virtual desktops. I click around, repeatedly clicking on the application tabs on the task bar, click the fedora 'f' a number of times, and presto! Suddenly it all works again. I don't notice any problems with the session until, presumably, the same error upon the subsequent login. Wha? _______________________________________________ kde mailing list kde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx New to KDE4? - get help from