On 17/12/13 16:06, Felix Miata wrote:
On 2013-12-17 12:31 (GMT) Roderick Johnstone composed:
I need to stop the kscreen kded module running for all my users becuase
it interacts badly with x2go.
I've achieved this by making a file /etc/kde/kdedrc with contents:
This seems to work fine for the first login of x2go. (I'm using a new
testing account). I confirmed that the kscreen service in system
settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Service manager shows kscreen2 not
However, the Use checkbox is ticked for the kscreen2 service, and on the
next login the kscreen2 service is running and messing up my x2go
~/.kde/share/config/kdedrc now contains:
Can anyone explain please why the kscreen2 service is being switched
back on and how I can prevent this from happening?
It's not always easy figuring out where global KDE config changes
belong. Moving your /etc/kde/kdedrc to /etc/kde/share/config/kdedrc
should work. Manually changing to autoload=false in individual users'
kdedrc files should work too if you do it while KDE is not running. I
would expect chmod a-x /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/kscreen to work as well,
but haven't tried it.
If you can't get autoload=false to stick, file an upstream bug and set
owner to afiestas@xxxxxxx
Thanks for the pointers.
Unfortunately moving the kdedrc to /etc/kde/share/config or
/usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/ didnt help.
Surprisingly, removing execute permissions from
/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/kscreen/KSC_Fake.so and
/usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/kscreen/KSC_XRandR.so also didnt help!
However, doing a chmod a-rx /usr/lib64/kde4/plugins/kscreen does seem
to have reliably stopped the kscreen service starting.
I have a mechanism to make sure this change is not overwritten by
updates so I think the problem is solved.
I'm never sure whether post a bug report like this one first to the
Redhat BZ or go straight to KDE, or do both. Will do something in the
morning though.
Many thanks for your help.
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