Kevin Kofler wrote, On 03/13/2012 06:44 PM:
Rares Aioanei wrote:
It's PackageKit, most likely. Try running gpk-prefs.
gpk-prefs has no effect whatsoever under KDE Plasma sessions, where Apper is
used, not gnome-packagekit.
There is a setting for the frequency of checking in Apper (and "a few
minutes" isn't even an option, the minimum is hourly), but it doesn't work,
see the bug already
linked by the original poster.
There's also this bug filed about the slowness and insane CPU consumption of
the checks:
Only setting to "never" with KDE "Software Management" app seem to stop
YumBackend from running every 5 minutes. Rebooting, using gpk-prefs,
etc. didn't
help. Will now just manually check updates...
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